
I wanna be the Fangame was the first fangame created by tijitdamijit on the kayin forums. Back then there were no set standards for fangames (and no engines. In fact, tijit also made the first engine).

Of course, the physics are very different from what we are used to today. The gravity feels much higher and the jump heights are also a lot different. If you hate playing games with weird physics, you may as well just stop reading now because this game isn't worth your time.The game has you going to different areas from a 'hub' of sorts and collecting keys to access the final area. Somewhat resembles the layout of original guy.

I Wanna Be The Guy, I wanna be that guy. No you don't!! Find the way out on this funny crazy game inspired by popular games like Mario Cat and Give up! I Wanna Be The Guy - Free online games at Agame.com.

Each path from the hub features several short areas to traverse with bosses in between. Some examples are a Pokemon area, a mega man 3 area, portal, and Pacman.

The platforming has some creative gimmicks with tons of spike traps and tricks. I liked most of it but sometimes the traps were over the top and/or weird. Also I really didn't like the secrets at all. One of the secrets is just a huge invisible block maze and it sucks.Not sure how to feel about the bosses in this game. They are very mash heavy and RNG based.

I liked the Pokemon trainer boss the most because of the variety, but some bosses such as the demon from Doom and Bub were not fun for me. Depends on preference I guess. You can also skip the final boss by just exiting the screen on the left.The production value in this game is really over the place. Music is mostly nice but sometimes sounds a little low quality. Also this game introduces the infamous version of guy rock that is standard in most fangame engines. Sometimes the spriting in this game is really ugly though. The Pacman sprites look horrible, I don't know what he was thinking with that.

Lots of cutoff in the tiles and weird backgrounds in some places. Some areas are good looking though.Overall, it's an oldschool classic fangame. There are a lot of flaws but it's still good for what it is. I would recommend most people give it a playthrough but don't go for the secrets. They aren't fun. Also, this was the first fangame I ever played. The first Fangame I've ever played.

Very similar to the Original IWBTG. I personaly even consider it the unofficial sequel. And in that regard it does everything the Original IWBTG did but in my opinion better. Better Music(gotta love the ape escape and wonderboy III music), references to better games, better and ALOT more secrets.Difficulty is average but the physics seem a bit off. And while i like the simplicity of the boss battles the doom thingy boss is pretty lackluster as well as the final boss.Overall a classic and my personal favourite of all the fangames 6 Likes.

I Wanna Be The Guy Bosses

As to be somewhat expected from the first fangame, this game feels closer to the original than pretty much every other game that has come after. In a time before conventions and genres came into place, this game just tried a bunch of wildly different stuff.

Even if quite a few things came out highly questionable, it has a great deal of variety.Also much like the original, it can often be pretty hard to figure out where to go or what to do. If I had not had Wolsk in my chat to bail me out a few times, I think the experience would have been considerably more frustrating. The engine also doesn't feel like it makes sense for how the game is designed, even once I got somewhat used to it.Take IWBTG, remove the crashes and make it a bit harder, and you've more or less got this. It's rough, but it holds up better than it has any right to. 2 Likes. I thought I was overrating this, but if I really think about it, this is not only a classic, but features plenty of variety and there's a lot of love behind the project.

Visual design is not always the best and the engine gave me trouble several times, and I won't compare its engine to the remaining 98% of fangames. I am comparing it to the original classics that had their own engines: IWBTG, IWBTB and IWKTG. All of those engines worked for the platorming they featured; this one didn't: first jump is too fast and too high, and second jump is ridiculously low. Making a gate jump equals making a mini-spike jump in a regular engine, but it can be pulled off. The problem comes with jumps that do require trial and error because previous calculations will fail you.Exactly half of the scenarios I didn't like, and exactly half the scenarios I loved. It is too trap-based for my taste, but the adventure feeling is there to convey a sense of progression and achievement.

I Wanna Kill The Guy is a very old game that needs to be finishedI am (currently not) working on a remake which will be completely different from what this isIt will generally have the same ideas and gimmicks, but it will be a DIFFERENT game, using the same title. Asking me to finish Chapter 5 is irrelevantThe next version will not be 0.53, it will be a finished productDownloadControlsESC: MenuZ: JumpX: ShootLEFT / RIGHT: MoveSHIFT: Pickup / ThrowVersion.052 (4/8/2012). Map Screen added, you can travel to any Chapter you unlocked so far. New path in Chapter 5 added.

Redid Challenges. Added a Rupee and Shop system. Find Rupees, or get them from Challenges, and spend them at the shop, for Goodies. Fixed numerous bugs from previous version. Added Up and Down controls in the Config section.

Added to the Goodies section. Now with (Bodies) and (Misc) categories. Nerfed some things, including bosses.

Took out Online for now. Fixed the lag issue people were having later during the gameOld Patch NotesBeta Password: Chapter#(Takes you to # Chapter; # = 1 to 5)ScreenshotsSuggestions? Bugs?Post them! Or email me at westjr001@hotmail.com. This is pretty awesome, though there are a few glitches. First off, the music doesn't restart sometimes if you press esc, then continue.

Second, in the corridor with the second coin at the end, sometimes the spikes effect will start in the room with the save, making the next room near impossible if you don't use the glitch to your advantage.I'm quite enjoying this; you seem to have hit the mark between 'difficult' and 'enjoyable' without being TOO cheap. Actually, I suggest you make a few MORE cheap traps, right now the game seems too FAIR for an IWBTG fan game. Still really fun though, please keep it up!Right now I'm at the part where you encounter the giant yellow eyes. Hard boss, or at least I HOPE it's a boss. The first sword boss was annoying because of the whole jumping and firing needed to take out the eyes, plus the battle took much too long.

However despite what most everybody says the last boss was AWESOME! You had four of my favorite things rolled into one: Cave Story, IWBTG, Space Channel 5 and Touhou music.

In fact the reason why I decided to try this game out was so I could take her on. Timing for the button presses seemed a little off; sometimes I couldn't tell if I pressed a button too early or too late when I mess up.Something you need to fix overall in the game are bottomless pits. Rather then die you just disappear off-screen and nothing happens. Also in one section with horizontal green platforms I barely touch them and they zip off, leaving me to do the double jump while I'm on the platform.

Rather annoying.Still, fun game, cool bosses, and I'm liking the music. Definitely fix that one music issue where it doesn't play when you resume the game. Keep up the good work! The first sword boss was annoying because of the whole jumping and firing needed to take out the eyes, plus the battle took much too long. However despite what most everybody says the last boss was AWESOME! You had four of my favorite things rolled into one: Cave Story, IWBTG, Space Channel 5 and Touhou music.

In fact the reason why I decided to try this game out was so I could take her on. Timing for the button presses seemed a little off; sometimes I couldn't tell if I pressed a button too early or too late when I mess up.Something you need to fix overall in the game are bottomless pits. Rather then die you just disappear off-screen and nothing happens. Also in one section with horizontal green platforms I barely touch them and they zip off, leaving me to do the double jump while I'm on the platform. Rather annoying.Still, fun game, cool bosses, and I'm liking the music.

Definitely fix that one music issue where it doesn't play when you resume the game. Keep up the good work! Thanks for the comment dude. There has been a few issues with people having the dance boss going off-sync, and one of the main issues of that is the lag of so much going on when it kicks in. Another issue is when people click out the window and click back in, it sometimes goes off beat too. My computer works almost perfectly, but I do need to tweek it a little to get it on rhythm more.And the bottomless pit bug happens alot too when you transition to another room and you keep moving toward the edge of a wall. Mountain sniper shooting games. That can get annoying if you are used to rushing to get to another room.

I will see what I can do in the next version.And lastly, the green platform area you were talking about, is this perhaps the area right before the first survival part? That is annoying indeed, and I do need to make it a little more fair, so I agree with you on that.That music issue. That damn music issue. This happens when you press ESC and you go back to resume the game? If so, I know what you are talking about and I will get to this issue very soon. And soon, as in, after I get some sleepI will fix all of this in the next version (hopefully). Thanks for the feedback!

This is pretty awesome, though there are a few glitches. First off, the music doesn't restart sometimes if you press esc, then continue.

Second, in the corridor with the second coin at the end, sometimes the spikes effect will start in the room with the save, making the next room near impossible if you don't use the glitch to your advantage.I'm quite enjoying this; you seem to have hit the mark between 'difficult' and 'enjoyable' without being TOO cheap. Actually, I suggest you make a few MORE cheap traps, right now the game seems too FAIR for an IWBTG fan game. Still really fun though, please keep it up!Right now I'm at the part where you encounter the giant yellow eyes. Hard boss, or at least I HOPE it's a boss. As of now, there is nothing else after the dance boss. BUT, I watched your video of it, and I was really confusing as of why it stopped randomly during the song (the UPs, DOWNs, ect).

It was really weird. Maybe I didn't realize how outdated my version is compared to the one im working on right now. That's really. I saw it got a little off beat there in the song, and that is probably caused by the lag by the game and recording the game, which consumes your cpu or something, blah blah.

Ill try to fix the lag in game tomorrow by removing some unnecessary effects. Thanks dude and nice videos! 2nd Exor Part. I read your guys little argument going on in the list thread, and it was entertaining.

The 4th boss is more of a bullet hell, and the 5th boss (Chapter 3) is more of a timing thing. The lag does F it up a little, which could ruin the fun by a whole crapload. If you really don't like it, I will make an option to skip the dancing and just fight her old style, with guns.

And you have to understand that this is still in its testing stages, and of course its not even close to becoming a quality fangame as of now. But now that I started a thread for the game in this forum, I have to get off my lazy ass and do work. It's all good though, haha. But thanks for your concern.

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