
I was wonderign if there are any mods to improve the graphics, because while the game still looks fantastic, the engine has aged poorly. To prove my point, somebody just took the assets for Bioshock and dropped them into Unreal 4 and they looked incredible and made me realize how much I want that.

You have several different mods at once here to choose from. Below I will list what each does, when you have decided one, open the folder of that mod and check the readme there to know how to install, as well as to become aware of possible bugs i will inform you of.These mods can affect achievements, this is random however, but if you care about achievements its better to get those before you install.Balanced:Info: Balances game to make the player have to use other tactics than cheap ones, like Drill + Winter Blast spamming or Hypnotise/Security Command all the time.1. Splicers are weaker to fire2. Spider Splicers are more resistant to 'normal' damage and Drill damage3.

Brute Splicers are more resistant to 'normal' damage and Drill damage4. Big Daddies are more resistant to 'normal' damage and Drill damage5. Big Sisters are more resistant to 'normal' damage and Drill damage6. Alpha Series are more resistant to 'normal' damage and Drill damage7.

Brute Splicers, Alpha Series, Big Daddies, and Big Sisters are affected by Hypnotise and Security Command for much shorter time8. Father Wales is more resistant to 'normal' damage and Drill damage9. Father Wales is shocked, burning, and frozen fore mnuch shorter time10. Looting gives less resourcesCustomHard:Info: Changes the game to be very hard yet different, some things are easier, other things insanely hard.1.

Bioshock 2 Mods

Bouncers have a little more health2. Elite Bouncers have a lot more health3. Rosies are more resistant to elemental attacks4. Rosies are more likely to drop medhypos and eve hypos5. Rumblers have a bit more health6. Big Sisters have a lot more health7. Alpha Big Daddies have a bit more health8.

Brute Splicers have more health9. Delta is more resistant to bullets and 'normal' attacks10. Delta is more resistant to melee attacks11. Delta have a bit more health12. Plasmids drain a bit less eve13.

Electro Bolt stuns for longer14. Incinerate does more damage15. Splicers are frozen for longer16.


Items in Vendings Machines cost three times more, hacked items costs the default unhacked price.17. Vending Machines have only one supply of each item, however items can have several units18. El Ammo Bandito Sells more rare ammo earlier19. Circus of Values no longer sells ammo20.

Cosmonautica apk. Circus of Values sells more snacks, drinks and food21. Looting is less likely to give any items22. Looting is less likely to give rare and lucrative loot when you do find loot23. Looting gives less amounts of money and ammo when you find the aforementioned24.

Respawning at a Vita-Chamber permanently decreases your change of finding rare loot or loot at all25. The game no longer increases the change of finding a resource you are low on when such is the case26.

Research goes faster27. Locational zones for damage modified28.

Durango wild lands google play. Durango: Wild Lands is unlike any mobile game I have played before, with the survival, building, and salvaging elements leaving me a lasting impression. PVE here is more akin to Monster Hunter’s, searching for materials from fallen beasts to craft new items.

Plasmids can be bought earlier most of the time29. Most Gatherers Garden have supplies of Health and Eve Upgrades that cost twice as much but gives twice the increase30. Sinclair has more health as an Alpha Seriers31. Father Wales have more health32. Hitting a blue zone when hacking a Vending Machine removes the free item you get from the buying list (random it seems)CustomHardWithTK3Early:Info: Just like CustomHard, but Telekinesis 3 can be bought earlier1. Telekinesis 3 can be bought in Siren Alley and from there on2.

Plasmids drains less EveTK3EarlyOnly:Info: Telekinesis 3 can be bought earlier.1. Telekinesis 3 can be bought in Siren Alley and from there on2. Plasmids drains less EveVeryEasy:Info: Gives the player more Health and Eve without changing anything else, across all difficulties.1. Delta have more Health2. Plasmids drains less EveVeryHard:Info: Makes every difficulty one step harder, Easy is like Normal, Normal is like Hard, and Hard is like how the Developers would have made a Very Hard Difficulty.1.

Delta takes more damage2. Plasmids drains more Eve3. All enemies have a little more health.4. Looting gives less resources.

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