
String theory is an attempt at a deeper description of nature by thinking of an elementary particle not as a little point but as a little loop of vibrating string. In reference to your comment after Ian Henry's answer, I'm not quite 100% sure I understand what you are asking. If it is about getting double quote marks added into a string, you can concatenate the double quotes into your string, for example.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I've figured it out: findstr.exe /misc:^'namespace=^'^'.cs ns.txtThis seems to give the correct output, even if you have spaces in your search string. It allows file redirection, piping, and additional literals in the same findstr.exe invocation to work correctly.The original command in my question doesn't work because both cmd.exe and findstr.exe have special processing for the ' character. I ended up with an unmatched set of quotes in cmd.exe's processing.The new command in my answer works because ^' allows the quote to pass from cmd.exe to findstr.exe, and ' tells findstr.exe to ignore that quote for command processing purposes, and treat it as a character literal.Edit:Well, my solution was right, but the reason it is correct was totally wrong. I wrote a small program to test it.I found out that cmd.exe passes this input to the program when I pass the bad command line: test.exe /misc:namespace='.cs ns.txtWith the characters escaped correctly, cmd.exe passes this input to the program (and redirects output to a file): test.exe /misc:namespace='.cs.

Some men think they can toss our hearts around without paying for the damage. Even though it feels like we’re the ones getting the blunt end of the stick, men who play with our feelings are worse off than we are, because they’ll never stick with someone long enough to truly be happy. That’s why it’s time to say goodbye to the man who tried to string me along, and you should do the same. Here’s what I wish all the men who’ve made us wait for relationships that were never going to happen knew:

We don’t want to get over you again.
The worst part about getting strung along is that you’ll reenter our lives as soon as we’re finished getting over you. That’s why we need to put the cycle to an end. If we let you back in our life, we’re just giving you the opportunity to break our hearts again.


We won’t let you ruin our chances at love.
If we’re always thinking about how you might come back into our lives, we’re never going to start a serious relationship with a new man. We need to put the past in the past, so that we’re able to open our hearts up to new men—men who will actually treat us the way we deserve.

You confuse the hell out of us.
It would be better to be rejected from the start than to be strung along. Getting close to a relationship makes us wonder what the hell is wrong with us. Are you avoiding a relationship, because we’re not interesting enough? Not smart enough? Not sexy enough? It makes us doubt ourselves.

We shouldn’t be your backup plan.
We shouldn’t be the ones you call when you have nothing better to do. We aren’t a backup plan. We deserve to be your first choice. If we’re not, then just let us go.

We can’t trust a word you say.
We can’t believe you when you tell us how much you enjoy spending time with us, because if that were the truth, you’d be calling us more often. Your words don’t match up to what you tell us, so we assume you’re lying. And if you’re lying about one thing, you could be lying about everything.

We wonder if you have a girlfriend.
You pretend to like us, but you won’t commit, so it’s hard not to wonder if you have another girl in your life. After all, you treat us more like your side chick than your crush. If there’s another woman in your life, we don’t want to help you cheat.

We need a relationship that’s not entirely online.
We love talking to you, but a relationship via texting isn’t enough for us. We want to see you in person. If you won’t put in the time or effort to make plans with us, then how much can you really care about us?

Strung Along QuotesStrung along quotes

We don’t exist to stroke your ego.
Making you feel better about yourself isn’t our sole purpose in life. We don’t want to be someone you flirt with, just so you can feel sexy again. It’s rude to ruin our lives to make your life a little brighter.

We aren’t playthings.
You shouldn’t call us gorgeous one day, and then drop out of our lives the next day. It’s unfair for you to go MIA after trying to get into our pants. It makes us wonder if we’re just sex objects to you.

We won’t wait for you forever.
Maybe you’re not ready for a serious relationship. Maybe you’re trying to avoid hurting us. It doesn’t matter why you’re trying to make us wait for a relationship. We can’t wait for you forever. We need to move on with our lives.

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