
For Alone in the Dark 2 on the PC, Walkthrough by DarkLizard. This is the COMPLETE EVERYTHING list for ALONE IN THE DARK pt.2 For comments and questions on this and other games e-mail DarkLizard@aol.com This document may be freely exchanged as long as no modifications are made (AT ALL) and an e-mail telling me where it has been sent is sent to me.

Jegas 2013-12-31 1 point DOS versionWow - Only one game comment followed by troll/name-calling/rude behavior - ugh. So is the internet I guess.Anyways - to the people who never used this site - check out the help links etc to get an idea how these things work. These are old - games so before you can playthem they usually need some sort of 'older computer' emulation software to run them. Just like those REAL arcade games from the Arcade era - you download emulators and you can play original centipede versus a port.anyway - I'm leaching a ton of these games and I'm gonna try to test and comment on each.:) Have Fun!

Alone In The Dark II walkthroughAlone In TheDark IISolution By Phil DarkeAlone In The Dark 2 is abrilliant game, and much improved on the original Alone In The Dark. It is,however quite hard in places, but there are a couple of tricks that can makelife a bit easier. First there are quite a lot of books and papers to be pickedup and read while you are playing. None of these are essential in order tocomplete the game although they do give you an excellent background to thestory.Second combat; there arelots of weapons to be picked up while playing and they can be very useful, butit is usually much better if you are able to fight without weapons. The headbutt is particularly deadly. When you encounter one of the zombies try to getright up close to him before you attack, if you can get close enough he will beunable to use his weapon and if you keep head butting and moving towards him youwill kill him with no problem.

It is also handy if you can get close enough tostand in a doorway to attack or to back him into some confined space thusrestricting his movements. One particularly nasty individual who you willencounter is the chef who you will meet in the kitchen. He is armed with ablowpipe which is deadly and it is essential in dealing with him that you do notgive him the opportunity to use it.

Finally throughout the game you will pick upflasks. Walkthrough riviera the promised land bahasa indonesia. These are used to restore your health, but don't use them unless youreally need to because you should save as many as possible for the second partof the game, which is much harder than the first and you need as much health aspossible when you start part two. Last but not least the Adventurers Golden Ruleapplies in this game more than most:- 'SAVE EARLY, SAVE OFTEN'At the start of the gamekill the first zombie and take the Thompson, flask and clip which he drops. Rundown the drive and shoot the zombie who runs to meet you. Now run on down to theend of the drive and kill the other three zombies who are waiting there. This isquite hard but if you use this opportunity to practice the head butt technique Imentioned above you will eventually do it, though it may take several attempts.Now go back down the drive to the anchor.

Push the anchor and run into the maze,take the first turning left and attack the zombie there. Take the photo andreturn to the main path. Continue along the path and take the next right. Thereis another zombie here who leaves behind a rope, flask and a clip for theThompson after you have killed him. Take these there is an ace of diamonds onthe ground, this is the exit from the underground passage which you will beexploring shortly. Return to the main path and continue along it to the crossroads. Go left and kill the zombie there and take the book which he drops.Return to the main path and go straight across the cross roads to a T junction.turn right and then left at the end.

Kill the zombie and take the clip. Now goback to the T junction and go straight across, ignore the next right for themoment and carry on along the path to an alcove on the left just before the endof the path, where another zombie is waiting. Kill him and continue along thepath, turning left at the end then left and left again at the end this takes youback to the cross roads, with yet another zombie to be killed on the way. Goright at the cross roads and right at the end to where you find another zombieand also a grappling hook.

Alone in the dark 2008

There are four playing cards on the ground. Stand onthe ace of diamonds to enter the underground passage, the other three cards willkill you.

Turn right, kill the zombie and pick up the torn note book. Go to thechest and push it, pick up the metallic jack card. As you do so a figure willappear behind you, use the revolver to shoot it, this will take about fiveshots. Pick up the sabre and go to the altar use the metallic jack on the altarand a trap door opens go to the ladder and climb it after taking the flask whichyou will find there. This is the exit mentioned earlier.

Now return to theturning which you ignored earlier. Go down this passage and kill the zombiethere to obtain another flask. Turn right at the end and prepare the sabre foruse. Walk slowly along the path until about two thirds of the way along you willbe attacked by some vines. The easiest way to deal with these is to take a quickslash and step back, keep repeating this until they are defeated.

Save your gamehere and run along the path to where you find Peg Leg a particularly nastycharacter and quite hard to kill, but if you can back him into the corner at theside of the statue and get close enough before he has chance to attack you, thehead butt technique works well. When you have killed him pick up the newspaperand the flask. Use the rope with the grappling hook and use them on the statue.You will lose all your weapons here.BELOW THE STATUEPick up the nickel andwalk carefully across the plank which is quite slippery pick up the crank andpaper bag along the way.

Go to the end where you find Striker's body search thebody to find a pipe cleaner and the other half of the notebook. Combine the twohalves of the notebook and read it. Now go to the door and slide the newspaperunder the door use the pipe cleaner on the key hole to get the key. Open thedoor and enter. Save your game here.

Walk along to where a zombie is sleepingstand directly in front of the lever. Use the paper bag once to inflate it andagain to bang it. As soon as he stands up push the lever. If you timed it rightand were standing in the right place a hanging barrel will now be released whichwill knock him over the edge of the cliff. Pick up the book, riot gun and flaskand look at the side of the grandfather clock.

Use the crank on the hole thereand a secret passage will be revealed. Enter the passage and use the lift.BASEMENTThe newspaper which youused earlier has turned into a dead mans pact.

Tear this up in front of themusic man, he will die. Go through into the next room and pick up the battledoreand go through to the next room which is the shooting gallery.Kill the two zombies herand pick up the riot gun ammunition. Now go to the end of the room to wherethere are four blocks. Use the battledore to turn them so that all the facesshow diamonds. If you stand with your back to the blocks they turn once if youface them they turn twice. As you turn the last block a zombie appears from thedoor in the corner.

Kill him and enter the room. Pick up the whiskey and the twobooks.

Use the nickel on the slot machine to get two tokens. Leave this room theway you came you will encounter another zombie on the way either kill him or putthe whiskey down in front of him.

Take the sack and wear the Santa suit which itcontains. Now return to the lift and up the stairs.GROUND FLOORWatch the little chefzombie and the path he takes to the kitchen then follow him. If you step on thewrong squares you will get killed by the harpoon from the statue in the corner.Enter the kitchen and take and eat the fried eggs and take the frying pan. Whenthe big chef heads towards the dumb waiter come up behind him (what you aresupposed to do here is kill him with the frying pan but I did not find this veryeffective) and kill him. Now search the kitchen and take the wine and thepoison.

Use the poison on the wine and leave the kitchen. Go to the servinghatch and leave the poisoned wine there stand back and wait for the zombies totake the wine and die. Enter through the double doors and use the tokens on theorgan.

Pick up the doubloon and go through the doors at the end. Take the bulletproof vest Thompson and clip and go back the way you came. Cross the hall to thedoor under the stairs and turn right. This room contains four very nasty zombiesand the way you are supposed to deal with them is with the hand grenade down thechimney from the floor above but I found that this did not work very well so Iused the direct approach. Open the door and back out, carefully positionyourself in the doorway. You can probably take out the first zombie with theriot gun as he comes through the door.

Then move forward and head butt the otherthree as they come toward you. It will probably take several attempts but it canbe done.

When you have seen off all four enter the room and take the redbilliard ball from the Christmas tree. Now go back out and nick the crown fromNeptune's head and go up the stairs.FIRST FLOORKill the zombie on thelanding and enter the 1st door on the right, which is the billiard room.

Killthe zombie here and pick up the derringer and sword stick. Go to the bookcase atthe end of the room and take the book and parchment.

Leave the room and go tothe bedroom. Use the sword stick on the two arms in the corner, using the sametechnique that you used earlier with the vines. Take the parchment and use itwith the other piece that you got in the billiards room and read it.

Now walk tothe end of the room and put the crown on the statue there. This opens up anotherdoor go through and pick up the amulet and you will be transported to the attic.THE ATTICPick up the message andflask and run through the door, around the corner to the small chest get theThompson and clip and kill the acrobatic zombie who attacks you.

Kill the otherzombie and pick up the grenade (though you should not need it now) flask andkey. Go through the door in the corner to the end of the room.

Use the doubloonon the jack in the box and take the pom pom. Now go to the other end of the roomand throw the pom pom through the opening. The jumping jack will go after it andkill the snake.

Alone in the dark 2019

Now go through the opening and up to the chimney. This is whereyou should use the hand grenade if you did not kill the four zombies on theground floor. Go down the chimney and back up to the 1st floor.

Enter thebilliard room again and insert the red ball into the game machine. This revealsa door at the end of the room. Use the key from the attic to open the door andenter. You are about to be captured and lose all the items in your inventory, soif you have any flasks left use them now so that you have the maximum possiblestrength for the next part of the game.

You find yourself in a cell One EyedJack is outside with Grace. When she makes a run for it and he chases after her.Use the hook to pick the lock and head downstairs. Elisabeth now enters throughthe front door and captures you again.PART TWOThe action now switchesto Grace. Walk down the drive towards the house avoiding the zombies turn rightand go to the back of the car. Click on the boot of the car and take the redball you find.

When the car stops get out and watching the zombies by thebandstand carefully wait until the nearest zombie is looking in the otherdirection, walk part way up the path, stopping when he turn your way andcontinue when he turns away again. Grab the hook and quickly run off to the golfcourse. Put the ball in the hole and walk up to the statue which appears. Usethe hook on the statue and get captured by the zombie who emerges from thehollow tree. You find yourself in the brig with Carnby.

Push the boards and gothrough into the next room. Take the sandwich pepper and bird seed.

Feed theparrot with the bird seed. The parrot now tells you where to find the captainsstaff. Go to the door and look out, when you hear footsteps approaching and runleft and hide behind the stairs.

Wait until the zombie passes you and stops. Runout behind him back the way you came and quickly climb the ladder. Go up thenext ladder to the top deck.

Make your way carefully around the outside of thedeck and hide behind the barrel. Run out and grab the tinder box and then godown the hatch. In the captains cabin look in the small chest and take the smallcannon and the vase from the dresser, and the captain's staff from the side ofthe bed. Put the cannon on the floor facing the door and use the pepper pot onit. Now throw the vase and use the tinder box on the cannon when the zombieopens the door. The guard will sneeze to death. Pick up the bell and go to thegalley which is directly opposite the captains cabin.

Take the chickens footfrom the table and ring the bell. Climb into the dumb waiter and go up to thekitchen. Pick up the key and open the cupboard take the molasses and the icebox. Go over to the door and use the ice box. A zombie will chase you back intothe kitchen and slip and kill himself on the ice. Now head upstairs. Use themolasses on the landing to immobilise the zombie and go through the billiardroom to the captain's room.

Use the staff on the desk and take the key to theirons and the book. Now go into the bedroom and head for the room where Carnbyfound the amulet. On the floor is a square with a picture of a staff on it. Usethe staff on it and it changes into a Voodoo Loa staff take this and return tothe kitchen. When the zombie sees you head back to the hall he will slip on theice. Return to the kitchen and ring the bell climb into the dumb waiter andreturn to the ship, where you will get captured again.THE BRIGThe action now switchesto Carnby again. Pick up the key by moving the cursor keys down until you canreach them.

Unlock the irons and attack the zombie. Pick up the sword which hedrops and enter the next room. Kill the zombie here and walk out into thepassage.

Kill the zombie here and pick up the short fuse and pistol which hedrops. Now enter the door opposite, the forge,here are another two zombies to bekilled. In this room there are a poker, pliers and a useful key. Now leave thisroom and enter the armoury which is opposite and to your left. Save your gameand just for a laugh try to shoot the zombie here with the pistol.

Whatever your reason is—whether it’s for leisure pursuit, to improve your command of a language, or to train for competitive playing, our online word finder will come in handy!What is the purpose of a Word Finder?Regardless if someone is a newbie or an expert word solver, there always comes a point where a player gets stuck. Have you ever found yourself mumbling these lines while playing your favorite board game?. Scrabble: “Is there really any word you can create out of these letters?”. Words with friends cheat anagrammer. When Do You Need a Word Game HelperBe it an anagram or a word puzzle, every word game gets harder as it progresses.

After youhave watched the spectacular explosion restore your game and this time kill himwith the sword. Take the keg of powder and book. Leave this room and go alongthe passage to the next door on the right. Enter the room, kill the peg legpirate and save your game. Push the barrel to get the bottle and take the chainmail, ammunition and flask.

Throw the bottle and take the message and read it.Now go down to the room at the end of the corridor. Kill the zombie and take theammunition, flask and pistol. Leave this room and head back toward the doorwhere you entered the passage and climb the ladder opposite. On the way you willencounter a particularly hard zombie, but if you are quick enough you can run upand climb the ladder before he attacks you.

He will not follow you and since youdo not need to return here again it does not matter.MIDDLE DECKGo into the room withthe cannon and kill the sleeping zombie. Take the ammunition which he drops andgo and use the pliers on the chain attaching the cannon to the wall. Push thecannon so that it faces the opposite way and use the short fuse on it. Now go tothe door opposite and open it.

This is the crew's sleeping quarters. Drop thepowder keg just inside the door and return to the cannon. Use the poker on thefuse. The powder keg explodes and kills all the crew inside the sleepingquarters. Enter the sleeping quarters and pick up the flask and bag of goldcoins. Go to the door and use the bag of coins, this will attract the attentionof the two little chef zombies in the galley opposite.

Kill them and go into thegalley. Pick up the flask and head for the store room.

Here you will encounterthe big chef with the blowpipe, he is very difficult to kill, but he way I didit was to enter the door and back out, then quickly manoeuvre into the corner tothe left of the door. From here he can't get you with the blowpipe but you willstill be able to hack at him with the sword.

When you have killed him pick upthe metallic Jack Of Diamonds which he drops. Use this to enter the captainscabin which is opposite the galley.THE CAPTAINS CABINThe action now switchesto Grace. Use the Loa Staff on the statue of Captain Nicholas to open the doorgo in and walk up to Elisabeth, use the chickens foot on her and watch her die.Now back to Carnby. Leave the Captains Cabin and head for the stairs at theother end of the passage. Go up to the top deck.THE TOP DECKDon't even try to killthe big zombie, you can't. Just head up the ladder to the top deck as fast aspossible.

Kill the music man and grab his hook. Kill the other zombies and climbthe mast.

To kill the zombie here attack him and try to force him off the edgeof the platform. Use the hook to slide down the rope and attack the acrobaticzombie here but be careful not to fall off the mast. Quickly grab the sword fromthe deck, this is Captain Nicolas's sword.

Run to the mast and use the pliers torelease Grace. Now run to the cannon which is pointing at the mast and grab thefuse this will preventing it from firing. Now attack One Eyed Jack with CaptainNicholas's sword. He is very hard to kill but if you allow him to back you intothe gap between the rail and the box on the other end of the deck and keephacking at him you should eventually be able to kill him.

You and Grace now jumpinto the lifeboat and escape.THE END.

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  • For Alone in the Dark 2 on the PC, Walkthrough by DarkLizard. This is the COMPLETE EVERYTHING list for ALONE IN THE DARK pt.2 For comments and questions on this and other games e-mail DarkLizard@aol.com This document may be freely exchanged as long as no modifications are made (AT ALL) and an e-mail telling me where it has been sent is sent to me.

    Jegas 2013-12-31 1 point DOS versionWow - Only one game comment followed by troll/name-calling/rude behavior - ugh. So is the internet I guess.Anyways - to the people who never used this site - check out the help links etc to get an idea how these things work. These are old - games so before you can playthem they usually need some sort of \'older computer\' emulation software to run them. Just like those REAL arcade games from the Arcade era - you download emulators and you can play original centipede versus a port.anyway - I\'m leaching a ton of these games and I\'m gonna try to test and comment on each.:) Have Fun!

    Alone In The Dark II walkthroughAlone In TheDark IISolution By Phil DarkeAlone In The Dark 2 is abrilliant game, and much improved on the original Alone In The Dark. It is,however quite hard in places, but there are a couple of tricks that can makelife a bit easier. First there are quite a lot of books and papers to be pickedup and read while you are playing. None of these are essential in order tocomplete the game although they do give you an excellent background to thestory.Second combat; there arelots of weapons to be picked up while playing and they can be very useful, butit is usually much better if you are able to fight without weapons. The headbutt is particularly deadly. When you encounter one of the zombies try to getright up close to him before you attack, if you can get close enough he will beunable to use his weapon and if you keep head butting and moving towards him youwill kill him with no problem.

    It is also handy if you can get close enough tostand in a doorway to attack or to back him into some confined space thusrestricting his movements. One particularly nasty individual who you willencounter is the chef who you will meet in the kitchen. He is armed with ablowpipe which is deadly and it is essential in dealing with him that you do notgive him the opportunity to use it.

    Finally throughout the game you will pick upflasks. Walkthrough riviera the promised land bahasa indonesia. These are used to restore your health, but don\'t use them unless youreally need to because you should save as many as possible for the second partof the game, which is much harder than the first and you need as much health aspossible when you start part two. Last but not least the Adventurers Golden Ruleapplies in this game more than most:- \'SAVE EARLY, SAVE OFTEN\'At the start of the gamekill the first zombie and take the Thompson, flask and clip which he drops. Rundown the drive and shoot the zombie who runs to meet you. Now run on down to theend of the drive and kill the other three zombies who are waiting there. This isquite hard but if you use this opportunity to practice the head butt technique Imentioned above you will eventually do it, though it may take several attempts.Now go back down the drive to the anchor.

    Push the anchor and run into the maze,take the first turning left and attack the zombie there. Take the photo andreturn to the main path. Continue along the path and take the next right. Thereis another zombie here who leaves behind a rope, flask and a clip for theThompson after you have killed him. Take these there is an ace of diamonds onthe ground, this is the exit from the underground passage which you will beexploring shortly. Return to the main path and continue along it to the crossroads. Go left and kill the zombie there and take the book which he drops.Return to the main path and go straight across the cross roads to a T junction.turn right and then left at the end.

    Kill the zombie and take the clip. Now goback to the T junction and go straight across, ignore the next right for themoment and carry on along the path to an alcove on the left just before the endof the path, where another zombie is waiting. Kill him and continue along thepath, turning left at the end then left and left again at the end this takes youback to the cross roads, with yet another zombie to be killed on the way. Goright at the cross roads and right at the end to where you find another zombieand also a grappling hook.


    There are four playing cards on the ground. Stand onthe ace of diamonds to enter the underground passage, the other three cards willkill you.

    Turn right, kill the zombie and pick up the torn note book. Go to thechest and push it, pick up the metallic jack card. As you do so a figure willappear behind you, use the revolver to shoot it, this will take about fiveshots. Pick up the sabre and go to the altar use the metallic jack on the altarand a trap door opens go to the ladder and climb it after taking the flask whichyou will find there. This is the exit mentioned earlier.

    Now return to theturning which you ignored earlier. Go down this passage and kill the zombiethere to obtain another flask. Turn right at the end and prepare the sabre foruse. Walk slowly along the path until about two thirds of the way along you willbe attacked by some vines. The easiest way to deal with these is to take a quickslash and step back, keep repeating this until they are defeated.

    Save your gamehere and run along the path to where you find Peg Leg a particularly nastycharacter and quite hard to kill, but if you can back him into the corner at theside of the statue and get close enough before he has chance to attack you, thehead butt technique works well. When you have killed him pick up the newspaperand the flask. Use the rope with the grappling hook and use them on the statue.You will lose all your weapons here.BELOW THE STATUEPick up the nickel andwalk carefully across the plank which is quite slippery pick up the crank andpaper bag along the way.

    Go to the end where you find Striker\'s body search thebody to find a pipe cleaner and the other half of the notebook. Combine the twohalves of the notebook and read it. Now go to the door and slide the newspaperunder the door use the pipe cleaner on the key hole to get the key. Open thedoor and enter. Save your game here.

    Walk along to where a zombie is sleepingstand directly in front of the lever. Use the paper bag once to inflate it andagain to bang it. As soon as he stands up push the lever. If you timed it rightand were standing in the right place a hanging barrel will now be released whichwill knock him over the edge of the cliff. Pick up the book, riot gun and flaskand look at the side of the grandfather clock.

    Use the crank on the hole thereand a secret passage will be revealed. Enter the passage and use the lift.BASEMENTThe newspaper which youused earlier has turned into a dead mans pact.

    Tear this up in front of themusic man, he will die. Go through into the next room and pick up the battledoreand go through to the next room which is the shooting gallery.Kill the two zombies herand pick up the riot gun ammunition. Now go to the end of the room to wherethere are four blocks. Use the battledore to turn them so that all the facesshow diamonds. If you stand with your back to the blocks they turn once if youface them they turn twice. As you turn the last block a zombie appears from thedoor in the corner.

    Kill him and enter the room. Pick up the whiskey and the twobooks.

    Use the nickel on the slot machine to get two tokens. Leave this room theway you came you will encounter another zombie on the way either kill him or putthe whiskey down in front of him.

    Take the sack and wear the Santa suit which itcontains. Now return to the lift and up the stairs.GROUND FLOORWatch the little chefzombie and the path he takes to the kitchen then follow him. If you step on thewrong squares you will get killed by the harpoon from the statue in the corner.Enter the kitchen and take and eat the fried eggs and take the frying pan. Whenthe big chef heads towards the dumb waiter come up behind him (what you aresupposed to do here is kill him with the frying pan but I did not find this veryeffective) and kill him. Now search the kitchen and take the wine and thepoison.

    Use the poison on the wine and leave the kitchen. Go to the servinghatch and leave the poisoned wine there stand back and wait for the zombies totake the wine and die. Enter through the double doors and use the tokens on theorgan.

    Pick up the doubloon and go through the doors at the end. Take the bulletproof vest Thompson and clip and go back the way you came. Cross the hall to thedoor under the stairs and turn right. This room contains four very nasty zombiesand the way you are supposed to deal with them is with the hand grenade down thechimney from the floor above but I found that this did not work very well so Iused the direct approach. Open the door and back out, carefully positionyourself in the doorway. You can probably take out the first zombie with theriot gun as he comes through the door.

    Then move forward and head butt the otherthree as they come toward you. It will probably take several attempts but it canbe done.

    When you have seen off all four enter the room and take the redbilliard ball from the Christmas tree. Now go back out and nick the crown fromNeptune\'s head and go up the stairs.FIRST FLOORKill the zombie on thelanding and enter the 1st door on the right, which is the billiard room.

    Killthe zombie here and pick up the derringer and sword stick. Go to the bookcase atthe end of the room and take the book and parchment.

    Leave the room and go tothe bedroom. Use the sword stick on the two arms in the corner, using the sametechnique that you used earlier with the vines. Take the parchment and use itwith the other piece that you got in the billiards room and read it.

    Now walk tothe end of the room and put the crown on the statue there. This opens up anotherdoor go through and pick up the amulet and you will be transported to the attic.THE ATTICPick up the message andflask and run through the door, around the corner to the small chest get theThompson and clip and kill the acrobatic zombie who attacks you.

    Kill the otherzombie and pick up the grenade (though you should not need it now) flask andkey. Go through the door in the corner to the end of the room.

    Use the doubloonon the jack in the box and take the pom pom. Now go to the other end of the roomand throw the pom pom through the opening. The jumping jack will go after it andkill the snake.


    Now go through the opening and up to the chimney. This is whereyou should use the hand grenade if you did not kill the four zombies on theground floor. Go down the chimney and back up to the 1st floor.

    Enter thebilliard room again and insert the red ball into the game machine. This revealsa door at the end of the room. Use the key from the attic to open the door andenter. You are about to be captured and lose all the items in your inventory, soif you have any flasks left use them now so that you have the maximum possiblestrength for the next part of the game.

    You find yourself in a cell One EyedJack is outside with Grace. When she makes a run for it and he chases after her.Use the hook to pick the lock and head downstairs. Elisabeth now enters throughthe front door and captures you again.PART TWOThe action now switchesto Grace. Walk down the drive towards the house avoiding the zombies turn rightand go to the back of the car. Click on the boot of the car and take the redball you find.

    When the car stops get out and watching the zombies by thebandstand carefully wait until the nearest zombie is looking in the otherdirection, walk part way up the path, stopping when he turn your way andcontinue when he turns away again. Grab the hook and quickly run off to the golfcourse. Put the ball in the hole and walk up to the statue which appears. Usethe hook on the statue and get captured by the zombie who emerges from thehollow tree. You find yourself in the brig with Carnby.

    Push the boards and gothrough into the next room. Take the sandwich pepper and bird seed.

    Feed theparrot with the bird seed. The parrot now tells you where to find the captainsstaff. Go to the door and look out, when you hear footsteps approaching and runleft and hide behind the stairs.

    Wait until the zombie passes you and stops. Runout behind him back the way you came and quickly climb the ladder. Go up thenext ladder to the top deck.

    Make your way carefully around the outside of thedeck and hide behind the barrel. Run out and grab the tinder box and then godown the hatch. In the captains cabin look in the small chest and take the smallcannon and the vase from the dresser, and the captain\'s staff from the side ofthe bed. Put the cannon on the floor facing the door and use the pepper pot onit. Now throw the vase and use the tinder box on the cannon when the zombieopens the door. The guard will sneeze to death. Pick up the bell and go to thegalley which is directly opposite the captains cabin.

    Take the chickens footfrom the table and ring the bell. Climb into the dumb waiter and go up to thekitchen. Pick up the key and open the cupboard take the molasses and the icebox. Go over to the door and use the ice box. A zombie will chase you back intothe kitchen and slip and kill himself on the ice. Now head upstairs. Use themolasses on the landing to immobilise the zombie and go through the billiardroom to the captain\'s room.

    Use the staff on the desk and take the key to theirons and the book. Now go into the bedroom and head for the room where Carnbyfound the amulet. On the floor is a square with a picture of a staff on it. Usethe staff on it and it changes into a Voodoo Loa staff take this and return tothe kitchen. When the zombie sees you head back to the hall he will slip on theice. Return to the kitchen and ring the bell climb into the dumb waiter andreturn to the ship, where you will get captured again.THE BRIGThe action now switchesto Carnby again. Pick up the key by moving the cursor keys down until you canreach them.

    Unlock the irons and attack the zombie. Pick up the sword which hedrops and enter the next room. Kill the zombie here and walk out into thepassage.

    Kill the zombie here and pick up the short fuse and pistol which hedrops. Now enter the door opposite, the forge,here are another two zombies to bekilled. In this room there are a poker, pliers and a useful key. Now leave thisroom and enter the armoury which is opposite and to your left. Save your gameand just for a laugh try to shoot the zombie here with the pistol.

    Whatever your reason is—whether it’s for leisure pursuit, to improve your command of a language, or to train for competitive playing, our online word finder will come in handy!What is the purpose of a Word Finder?Regardless if someone is a newbie or an expert word solver, there always comes a point where a player gets stuck. Have you ever found yourself mumbling these lines while playing your favorite board game?. Scrabble: “Is there really any word you can create out of these letters?”. Words with friends cheat anagrammer. When Do You Need a Word Game HelperBe it an anagram or a word puzzle, every word game gets harder as it progresses.

    After youhave watched the spectacular explosion restore your game and this time kill himwith the sword. Take the keg of powder and book. Leave this room and go alongthe passage to the next door on the right. Enter the room, kill the peg legpirate and save your game. Push the barrel to get the bottle and take the chainmail, ammunition and flask.

    Throw the bottle and take the message and read it.Now go down to the room at the end of the corridor. Kill the zombie and take theammunition, flask and pistol. Leave this room and head back toward the doorwhere you entered the passage and climb the ladder opposite. On the way you willencounter a particularly hard zombie, but if you are quick enough you can run upand climb the ladder before he attacks you.

    He will not follow you and since youdo not need to return here again it does not matter.MIDDLE DECKGo into the room withthe cannon and kill the sleeping zombie. Take the ammunition which he drops andgo and use the pliers on the chain attaching the cannon to the wall. Push thecannon so that it faces the opposite way and use the short fuse on it. Now go tothe door opposite and open it.

    This is the crew\'s sleeping quarters. Drop thepowder keg just inside the door and return to the cannon. Use the poker on thefuse. The powder keg explodes and kills all the crew inside the sleepingquarters. Enter the sleeping quarters and pick up the flask and bag of goldcoins. Go to the door and use the bag of coins, this will attract the attentionof the two little chef zombies in the galley opposite.

    Kill them and go into thegalley. Pick up the flask and head for the store room.

    Here you will encounterthe big chef with the blowpipe, he is very difficult to kill, but he way I didit was to enter the door and back out, then quickly manoeuvre into the corner tothe left of the door. From here he can\'t get you with the blowpipe but you willstill be able to hack at him with the sword.

    When you have killed him pick upthe metallic Jack Of Diamonds which he drops. Use this to enter the captainscabin which is opposite the galley.THE CAPTAINS CABINThe action now switchesto Grace. Use the Loa Staff on the statue of Captain Nicholas to open the doorgo in and walk up to Elisabeth, use the chickens foot on her and watch her die.Now back to Carnby. Leave the Captains Cabin and head for the stairs at theother end of the passage. Go up to the top deck.THE TOP DECKDon\'t even try to killthe big zombie, you can\'t. Just head up the ladder to the top deck as fast aspossible.

    Kill the music man and grab his hook. Kill the other zombies and climbthe mast.

    To kill the zombie here attack him and try to force him off the edgeof the platform. Use the hook to slide down the rope and attack the acrobaticzombie here but be careful not to fall off the mast. Quickly grab the sword fromthe deck, this is Captain Nicolas\'s sword.

    Run to the mast and use the pliers torelease Grace. Now run to the cannon which is pointing at the mast and grab thefuse this will preventing it from firing. Now attack One Eyed Jack with CaptainNicholas\'s sword. He is very hard to kill but if you allow him to back you intothe gap between the rail and the box on the other end of the deck and keephacking at him you should eventually be able to kill him.

    You and Grace now jumpinto the lifeboat and escape.THE END.

    ...'>Alone In The Dark 2(23.04.2020)
  • For Alone in the Dark 2 on the PC, Walkthrough by DarkLizard. This is the COMPLETE EVERYTHING list for ALONE IN THE DARK pt.2 For comments and questions on this and other games e-mail DarkLizard@aol.com This document may be freely exchanged as long as no modifications are made (AT ALL) and an e-mail telling me where it has been sent is sent to me.

    Jegas 2013-12-31 1 point DOS versionWow - Only one game comment followed by troll/name-calling/rude behavior - ugh. So is the internet I guess.Anyways - to the people who never used this site - check out the help links etc to get an idea how these things work. These are old - games so before you can playthem they usually need some sort of \'older computer\' emulation software to run them. Just like those REAL arcade games from the Arcade era - you download emulators and you can play original centipede versus a port.anyway - I\'m leaching a ton of these games and I\'m gonna try to test and comment on each.:) Have Fun!

    Alone In The Dark II walkthroughAlone In TheDark IISolution By Phil DarkeAlone In The Dark 2 is abrilliant game, and much improved on the original Alone In The Dark. It is,however quite hard in places, but there are a couple of tricks that can makelife a bit easier. First there are quite a lot of books and papers to be pickedup and read while you are playing. None of these are essential in order tocomplete the game although they do give you an excellent background to thestory.Second combat; there arelots of weapons to be picked up while playing and they can be very useful, butit is usually much better if you are able to fight without weapons. The headbutt is particularly deadly. When you encounter one of the zombies try to getright up close to him before you attack, if you can get close enough he will beunable to use his weapon and if you keep head butting and moving towards him youwill kill him with no problem.

    It is also handy if you can get close enough tostand in a doorway to attack or to back him into some confined space thusrestricting his movements. One particularly nasty individual who you willencounter is the chef who you will meet in the kitchen. He is armed with ablowpipe which is deadly and it is essential in dealing with him that you do notgive him the opportunity to use it.

    Finally throughout the game you will pick upflasks. Walkthrough riviera the promised land bahasa indonesia. These are used to restore your health, but don\'t use them unless youreally need to because you should save as many as possible for the second partof the game, which is much harder than the first and you need as much health aspossible when you start part two. Last but not least the Adventurers Golden Ruleapplies in this game more than most:- \'SAVE EARLY, SAVE OFTEN\'At the start of the gamekill the first zombie and take the Thompson, flask and clip which he drops. Rundown the drive and shoot the zombie who runs to meet you. Now run on down to theend of the drive and kill the other three zombies who are waiting there. This isquite hard but if you use this opportunity to practice the head butt technique Imentioned above you will eventually do it, though it may take several attempts.Now go back down the drive to the anchor.

    Push the anchor and run into the maze,take the first turning left and attack the zombie there. Take the photo andreturn to the main path. Continue along the path and take the next right. Thereis another zombie here who leaves behind a rope, flask and a clip for theThompson after you have killed him. Take these there is an ace of diamonds onthe ground, this is the exit from the underground passage which you will beexploring shortly. Return to the main path and continue along it to the crossroads. Go left and kill the zombie there and take the book which he drops.Return to the main path and go straight across the cross roads to a T junction.turn right and then left at the end.

    Kill the zombie and take the clip. Now goback to the T junction and go straight across, ignore the next right for themoment and carry on along the path to an alcove on the left just before the endof the path, where another zombie is waiting. Kill him and continue along thepath, turning left at the end then left and left again at the end this takes youback to the cross roads, with yet another zombie to be killed on the way. Goright at the cross roads and right at the end to where you find another zombieand also a grappling hook.


    There are four playing cards on the ground. Stand onthe ace of diamonds to enter the underground passage, the other three cards willkill you.

    Turn right, kill the zombie and pick up the torn note book. Go to thechest and push it, pick up the metallic jack card. As you do so a figure willappear behind you, use the revolver to shoot it, this will take about fiveshots. Pick up the sabre and go to the altar use the metallic jack on the altarand a trap door opens go to the ladder and climb it after taking the flask whichyou will find there. This is the exit mentioned earlier.

    Now return to theturning which you ignored earlier. Go down this passage and kill the zombiethere to obtain another flask. Turn right at the end and prepare the sabre foruse. Walk slowly along the path until about two thirds of the way along you willbe attacked by some vines. The easiest way to deal with these is to take a quickslash and step back, keep repeating this until they are defeated.

    Save your gamehere and run along the path to where you find Peg Leg a particularly nastycharacter and quite hard to kill, but if you can back him into the corner at theside of the statue and get close enough before he has chance to attack you, thehead butt technique works well. When you have killed him pick up the newspaperand the flask. Use the rope with the grappling hook and use them on the statue.You will lose all your weapons here.BELOW THE STATUEPick up the nickel andwalk carefully across the plank which is quite slippery pick up the crank andpaper bag along the way.

    Go to the end where you find Striker\'s body search thebody to find a pipe cleaner and the other half of the notebook. Combine the twohalves of the notebook and read it. Now go to the door and slide the newspaperunder the door use the pipe cleaner on the key hole to get the key. Open thedoor and enter. Save your game here.

    Walk along to where a zombie is sleepingstand directly in front of the lever. Use the paper bag once to inflate it andagain to bang it. As soon as he stands up push the lever. If you timed it rightand were standing in the right place a hanging barrel will now be released whichwill knock him over the edge of the cliff. Pick up the book, riot gun and flaskand look at the side of the grandfather clock.

    Use the crank on the hole thereand a secret passage will be revealed. Enter the passage and use the lift.BASEMENTThe newspaper which youused earlier has turned into a dead mans pact.

    Tear this up in front of themusic man, he will die. Go through into the next room and pick up the battledoreand go through to the next room which is the shooting gallery.Kill the two zombies herand pick up the riot gun ammunition. Now go to the end of the room to wherethere are four blocks. Use the battledore to turn them so that all the facesshow diamonds. If you stand with your back to the blocks they turn once if youface them they turn twice. As you turn the last block a zombie appears from thedoor in the corner.

    Kill him and enter the room. Pick up the whiskey and the twobooks.

    Use the nickel on the slot machine to get two tokens. Leave this room theway you came you will encounter another zombie on the way either kill him or putthe whiskey down in front of him.

    Take the sack and wear the Santa suit which itcontains. Now return to the lift and up the stairs.GROUND FLOORWatch the little chefzombie and the path he takes to the kitchen then follow him. If you step on thewrong squares you will get killed by the harpoon from the statue in the corner.Enter the kitchen and take and eat the fried eggs and take the frying pan. Whenthe big chef heads towards the dumb waiter come up behind him (what you aresupposed to do here is kill him with the frying pan but I did not find this veryeffective) and kill him. Now search the kitchen and take the wine and thepoison.

    Use the poison on the wine and leave the kitchen. Go to the servinghatch and leave the poisoned wine there stand back and wait for the zombies totake the wine and die. Enter through the double doors and use the tokens on theorgan.

    Pick up the doubloon and go through the doors at the end. Take the bulletproof vest Thompson and clip and go back the way you came. Cross the hall to thedoor under the stairs and turn right. This room contains four very nasty zombiesand the way you are supposed to deal with them is with the hand grenade down thechimney from the floor above but I found that this did not work very well so Iused the direct approach. Open the door and back out, carefully positionyourself in the doorway. You can probably take out the first zombie with theriot gun as he comes through the door.

    Then move forward and head butt the otherthree as they come toward you. It will probably take several attempts but it canbe done.

    When you have seen off all four enter the room and take the redbilliard ball from the Christmas tree. Now go back out and nick the crown fromNeptune\'s head and go up the stairs.FIRST FLOORKill the zombie on thelanding and enter the 1st door on the right, which is the billiard room.

    Killthe zombie here and pick up the derringer and sword stick. Go to the bookcase atthe end of the room and take the book and parchment.

    Leave the room and go tothe bedroom. Use the sword stick on the two arms in the corner, using the sametechnique that you used earlier with the vines. Take the parchment and use itwith the other piece that you got in the billiards room and read it.

    Now walk tothe end of the room and put the crown on the statue there. This opens up anotherdoor go through and pick up the amulet and you will be transported to the attic.THE ATTICPick up the message andflask and run through the door, around the corner to the small chest get theThompson and clip and kill the acrobatic zombie who attacks you.

    Kill the otherzombie and pick up the grenade (though you should not need it now) flask andkey. Go through the door in the corner to the end of the room.

    Use the doubloonon the jack in the box and take the pom pom. Now go to the other end of the roomand throw the pom pom through the opening. The jumping jack will go after it andkill the snake.


    Now go through the opening and up to the chimney. This is whereyou should use the hand grenade if you did not kill the four zombies on theground floor. Go down the chimney and back up to the 1st floor.

    Enter thebilliard room again and insert the red ball into the game machine. This revealsa door at the end of the room. Use the key from the attic to open the door andenter. You are about to be captured and lose all the items in your inventory, soif you have any flasks left use them now so that you have the maximum possiblestrength for the next part of the game.

    You find yourself in a cell One EyedJack is outside with Grace. When she makes a run for it and he chases after her.Use the hook to pick the lock and head downstairs. Elisabeth now enters throughthe front door and captures you again.PART TWOThe action now switchesto Grace. Walk down the drive towards the house avoiding the zombies turn rightand go to the back of the car. Click on the boot of the car and take the redball you find.

    When the car stops get out and watching the zombies by thebandstand carefully wait until the nearest zombie is looking in the otherdirection, walk part way up the path, stopping when he turn your way andcontinue when he turns away again. Grab the hook and quickly run off to the golfcourse. Put the ball in the hole and walk up to the statue which appears. Usethe hook on the statue and get captured by the zombie who emerges from thehollow tree. You find yourself in the brig with Carnby.

    Push the boards and gothrough into the next room. Take the sandwich pepper and bird seed.

    Feed theparrot with the bird seed. The parrot now tells you where to find the captainsstaff. Go to the door and look out, when you hear footsteps approaching and runleft and hide behind the stairs.

    Wait until the zombie passes you and stops. Runout behind him back the way you came and quickly climb the ladder. Go up thenext ladder to the top deck.

    Make your way carefully around the outside of thedeck and hide behind the barrel. Run out and grab the tinder box and then godown the hatch. In the captains cabin look in the small chest and take the smallcannon and the vase from the dresser, and the captain\'s staff from the side ofthe bed. Put the cannon on the floor facing the door and use the pepper pot onit. Now throw the vase and use the tinder box on the cannon when the zombieopens the door. The guard will sneeze to death. Pick up the bell and go to thegalley which is directly opposite the captains cabin.

    Take the chickens footfrom the table and ring the bell. Climb into the dumb waiter and go up to thekitchen. Pick up the key and open the cupboard take the molasses and the icebox. Go over to the door and use the ice box. A zombie will chase you back intothe kitchen and slip and kill himself on the ice. Now head upstairs. Use themolasses on the landing to immobilise the zombie and go through the billiardroom to the captain\'s room.

    Use the staff on the desk and take the key to theirons and the book. Now go into the bedroom and head for the room where Carnbyfound the amulet. On the floor is a square with a picture of a staff on it. Usethe staff on it and it changes into a Voodoo Loa staff take this and return tothe kitchen. When the zombie sees you head back to the hall he will slip on theice. Return to the kitchen and ring the bell climb into the dumb waiter andreturn to the ship, where you will get captured again.THE BRIGThe action now switchesto Carnby again. Pick up the key by moving the cursor keys down until you canreach them.

    Unlock the irons and attack the zombie. Pick up the sword which hedrops and enter the next room. Kill the zombie here and walk out into thepassage.

    Kill the zombie here and pick up the short fuse and pistol which hedrops. Now enter the door opposite, the forge,here are another two zombies to bekilled. In this room there are a poker, pliers and a useful key. Now leave thisroom and enter the armoury which is opposite and to your left. Save your gameand just for a laugh try to shoot the zombie here with the pistol.

    Whatever your reason is—whether it’s for leisure pursuit, to improve your command of a language, or to train for competitive playing, our online word finder will come in handy!What is the purpose of a Word Finder?Regardless if someone is a newbie or an expert word solver, there always comes a point where a player gets stuck. Have you ever found yourself mumbling these lines while playing your favorite board game?. Scrabble: “Is there really any word you can create out of these letters?”. Words with friends cheat anagrammer. When Do You Need a Word Game HelperBe it an anagram or a word puzzle, every word game gets harder as it progresses.

    After youhave watched the spectacular explosion restore your game and this time kill himwith the sword. Take the keg of powder and book. Leave this room and go alongthe passage to the next door on the right. Enter the room, kill the peg legpirate and save your game. Push the barrel to get the bottle and take the chainmail, ammunition and flask.

    Throw the bottle and take the message and read it.Now go down to the room at the end of the corridor. Kill the zombie and take theammunition, flask and pistol. Leave this room and head back toward the doorwhere you entered the passage and climb the ladder opposite. On the way you willencounter a particularly hard zombie, but if you are quick enough you can run upand climb the ladder before he attacks you.

    He will not follow you and since youdo not need to return here again it does not matter.MIDDLE DECKGo into the room withthe cannon and kill the sleeping zombie. Take the ammunition which he drops andgo and use the pliers on the chain attaching the cannon to the wall. Push thecannon so that it faces the opposite way and use the short fuse on it. Now go tothe door opposite and open it.

    This is the crew\'s sleeping quarters. Drop thepowder keg just inside the door and return to the cannon. Use the poker on thefuse. The powder keg explodes and kills all the crew inside the sleepingquarters. Enter the sleeping quarters and pick up the flask and bag of goldcoins. Go to the door and use the bag of coins, this will attract the attentionof the two little chef zombies in the galley opposite.

    Kill them and go into thegalley. Pick up the flask and head for the store room.

    Here you will encounterthe big chef with the blowpipe, he is very difficult to kill, but he way I didit was to enter the door and back out, then quickly manoeuvre into the corner tothe left of the door. From here he can\'t get you with the blowpipe but you willstill be able to hack at him with the sword.

    When you have killed him pick upthe metallic Jack Of Diamonds which he drops. Use this to enter the captainscabin which is opposite the galley.THE CAPTAINS CABINThe action now switchesto Grace. Use the Loa Staff on the statue of Captain Nicholas to open the doorgo in and walk up to Elisabeth, use the chickens foot on her and watch her die.Now back to Carnby. Leave the Captains Cabin and head for the stairs at theother end of the passage. Go up to the top deck.THE TOP DECKDon\'t even try to killthe big zombie, you can\'t. Just head up the ladder to the top deck as fast aspossible.

    Kill the music man and grab his hook. Kill the other zombies and climbthe mast.

    To kill the zombie here attack him and try to force him off the edgeof the platform. Use the hook to slide down the rope and attack the acrobaticzombie here but be careful not to fall off the mast. Quickly grab the sword fromthe deck, this is Captain Nicolas\'s sword.

    Run to the mast and use the pliers torelease Grace. Now run to the cannon which is pointing at the mast and grab thefuse this will preventing it from firing. Now attack One Eyed Jack with CaptainNicholas\'s sword. He is very hard to kill but if you allow him to back you intothe gap between the rail and the box on the other end of the deck and keephacking at him you should eventually be able to kill him.

    You and Grace now jumpinto the lifeboat and escape.THE END.

    ...'>Alone In The Dark 2(23.04.2020)