
. Free-to-play. Optional Challenges. Daily Login BonusFreeSimply enough, the game costs no money to play. You'll only spend real cash if you buy extra gold or gems, which you can already obtain (albeit slowly) by completing maps.ChallengesTDK has a nice variety of bonus levels. Upon beating a mission, two harder difficulties for the same level unlock, as well as a few new 'challenge' maps.

Kingdom Defense: War of Empires - a Bigger Tower Defense game than ever before! This TD defense game is a whole new level of furiously fast, enchantingly charming gameplay and strategy! ★★★ WONDERFUL KINGDOM Kingdom Defense takes place in a fantasy realm of beauty and nature. Monsters are gathering now. A bolt of arrows! Colorful magic! Powerful Explosion! Time of battle is back. Build a defensive line with a powerful tower and defend your kingdom. The destiny of the kingdom lies in your hands. Play the best-selling Tower Defense game of Defense now for free game features - 25 maps created with various themes - Three modes to test limits - Five bosses to stop you.

These diversify gameplay by restricting certain towers, making enemies move faster, or implementing other hurdles to surpass.Daily LoginAs we'll soon discuss, resources take awhile to amass, but the game does help by offering a small amount for each day you play. Playing consecutively in the same month gradually increases the rewards; this is by far the fastest (free) way to amass gold. Lack of Polish.

Expensive Upgrades. Poor DescriptionsPolishThe game commits many juvenile mistakes. Grammar and spelling errors run rampant. Tower upgrades are unbalanced; rather than gaining a gradual increase in attributes, some upgrades give noticeable boosts while others seemingly do nothing.ExpensiveAs you play, you very slowly accumulate gold, which is used to permanently improve your towers. That's great, and gives incentive to replay old levels, but the upgrades quickly become far too expensive. Believe me, I spent hours grinding for gold and still didn't access the final five upgrades for any tower. Also, just because an upgrade is more expensive doesn't mean its superior.

You may spend 6000 gold to increase a tower's range by 10% but later have to spend 42,000 to increase its shooting speed by 5%.Poor DescriptionsSimilarly to the lack of polish, the game fails to adequately explain certain towers, enemies, or upgrades. You'll encounter many half-hearted tower summaries, and you can't even read the descriptions of future upgrades for towers. Want to know what the final tier unlocks for each basic tower type so you can plan your progression accordingly? Lumberjack jacques and the ritual of doom 1 2. Too bad; the only way to find out is to get there. A good grasp of your basic towers is essential. Let's take a look:Archer: These have low damage but a high firing rate. They're the best tower to tackle pesky flying units, and the final tower upgrade lets you choose between rapid-fire Rangers or long-range Muskets.Cannon: Bombers come with splash damage but low fire rates.

They're the only type that cannot hit flying units, but they work great against swarms of ground foes. One of the two final upgrades (the Flame Cannon) hits everything in its range at once!Magician: Sorcerers have high damage and low fire rates. They work well against heavily-armored units; sadly, the two final upgrades are little different from one another.Cold: These are unique towers with low fire rates and pitiful damage.

However, their shots slow enemies. The Blizzard final upgrade helpfully slows everything in range.All towers have their uses, but focus on Cannons and Archers. Sprinkle a few Cold towers throughout the levels too, but not in the same area—the slow effect doesn't stack. Some levels don't employ flying foes, and Cannons access better permanent upgrades sooner than other towers, making them the unit to prioritize. You wield a slowly-regenerating purple magic meter to use in your missions (bottom-left of the screen), and you have three spells to choose from that each cost about half the meter:TNT: A short-range but high damage blast.Meteor: Similar to TNT, but less damage and a higher blast range.Sticky Goo: No damage, but ground enemies who pass through the goo are slowed.

Goo disappears after a few seconds.Like your towers, these can be permanently upgraded with gold. I'd recommend focusing on the Meteor; I found its greater range more useful than the TNT (it's still quite powerful), and unlike the Goo, it impacts flying monsters. Most levels have three spaces for your 'special towers', three different custom towers you select from a pool of nine.

These towers don't have permanent upgrades, but they tend to be all-around superior to normal towers, so make good use of them—especially since each foe slain by one gives extra gold and slightly refills the magic meter.You have several options, but I recommend the Rocket, Magic, and Patrol Towers. Each can attack ground and flying units and have decent damage, range, and attack speed. Short answer: Go with the Rocket, Magic, and Patrol Towers.Long answer: It depends on how you define 'powerful.' Are you looking at pure attack strength, or factoring in range and attack speed as well? One of the special towers (I believe it's called the Knight Tower) gains power while it's inactive, letting it hit the hardest after storing a long charge, but it lags behind in action-heavy areas.


If I had to recommend a single unit, I'd go with the Rocket Tower, considering its speed, splash damage and range. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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Is a game made by created on the 5th of June 2019. It involves players teaming up with one another to fighting waves of different zombie until they either are overrun or triumph that particular map. Players gain cash by damaging zombies and from wave bonuses, which can subsequently be invested in buying new towers or upgrading existing ones.

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There is also a Versus mode where other players can team up to face down another team. In this instance, players can send zombies. Once players are defeated or triumph, they gain EXP, which is used to level up, and Coins, which can be used to purchase new towers.

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