
While these are just three out of thousands of possible options, I believe these 3 trailers cover the basics of what you can purchase for your survival trailer needs.But what if you don’t want to fork out 10k for a bug out trailer? Or what if you would like to build your own trailer and customize it to perfectly suit your needs? That exactly what we’ll cover next.As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We're Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. The Many Different Types of DIY Survival TrailersHonestly, anything that carries survival equipment and tows behind a vehicle can be considered a survival trailer.If you’re mechanically inclined and have the means to do so, there’s no reason you can’t build your own survival trailer.However, if you’re not mechanically inclined, then this isn’t a build you’ll want to cut your teeth on.Otherwise, you may end up with an ugly, unreliable Frankentrailer.The most straightforward DIY survival trailer build is one the replicates the camper survival trailers covered in the previous section. 4 – The Camper Trailer –When it comes to DIY, it’s always best to do a bunch of research first. So I want to share with you a few sites and videos to help your own DIY research.This first video is a guy who spent 6 months building his survival trailer.

Spending a couple of hours to work on it each day. As you may have noticed in the video, this guy has an entire site dedicated to showing you, step by step how to build a badass survival trailer yourself.

This is my survival world coming soon to youtube on www.youtube.com user Sonicboy49 View map now! The Minecraft Project, The Survival Project!, was posted by sonicboy99. Home Home arrowright Minecraft Community Content arrowright Projects arrowright The Survival Project! Minecraft Project.

The site is and is worth checking out.It’s got all the information you need including schematics and Q/A in the comment sections. The site is an absolute DIY gem. 5 – Compact Horse Trailers –A horse trailer conversion setup is more on the budget side of things, but still a solid option for anyone looking for a quick getaway. They are not originally intended for human occupancy. As the name implies, these trailers carry horses, so don’t expect a luxury RV.With that said, it’s impressive what this guy was able to do with his old horse trailer. What makes this setup so sweet is the, gear storage, and a bed.

Now the downside is this trailer won’t survive the harshest off-road environments.But if you have a in mind, and it doesn’t include rock crawling, then you may be able to get away with this simple budget-friendly rig. Customizing Your Survival Trailer/VehicleThe best part about owning your own survival trailer is, you can do whatever you want to it. You can paint it whatever color you like, fill it what you feel is necessary.But before you go adding flame decals and installing external speaker systems, let’s talk about your custom survival trailer options: Color –This is the first thing anyone buying a trailer for survival purposes should consider. Most trailers come in cream, white, or metallic colors that don’t really blend into the natural environment very well.I’m not suggesting that you should paint it in camouflage colors and patterns as soon as you get it.But definitely consider a coat of something dark, or earth-toned.Forest green, black, gray, brown – anything but bright colors and patterns that stick out.Another great option is to get some.This stuff really helps your rig blend in with the surroundings in most forest settings. Interior Design –Do not be afraid to put shelves where you want, and add bunks or cots, storage boxes or even windows in your trailer. However, don’t go so far that you compromise the structural integrity of your trailer; otherwise, have at it.Make your survival trailer the perfect storage/shelter facility for you.If you have equipment that requires custom storage, plan it out and build it. If things really get bad, this trailer may become your permanent home, so make it ideal for you.

Exterior Design –Color, as mentioned above, is a top priority. But you can also add materials to the outside of your trailer to make it more durable and more adaptable.For instance, homemade frames can be built to support a tent on top of the trailer or to hold or string up tarps for a makeshift.Or you can attach metal diamond plating to the exterior walls to increase durability ( although the added weight will undoubtedly decrease gas mileage). Mechanical Improvements –Beefing up the axel, adding off-road tires, off-road shocks, and even a lift kit is possible with some research, skill, and creativity.These additions are highly desirable when you’re escaping a city and take refuge in the deep wilderness. Packing Your Survival TrailerObviously one of the most important things about the trailer is what’s inside it.

Hopefully, you have time to plan and pack your trailer at home before a disaster ever strikes.The longer you spend mulling over what you are going to fill your survival trailer with, the better prepared you will be. Guaranteed.This list is not absolutely comprehensive, but it is a good start to packing any survival trailer with the supplies and equipment you’ll need during a real bug out.Exclusive Bonus Content - Skilled Survival's 104 Item Bug Out Bag Checklist - the only bug out checklist worth using.

To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. The Absolute NecessitiesAlways start with the supplies that you can’t survive without. Make sure that you are totally prepared on this front before moving on to more superfluous items. Water & water purification system/method –Human beings can go a relatively long time without calories. That’s why water is easily the most important item on a survival packing list, above food.Make sure that you have an adequate supply of fresh water and a for collecting and purifying water you find in nature.Food –Everyone loves food.But unfortunately, you are not going to be able to keep a fresh stock of organic veggies and farm-fresh eggs in your trailer.The rations you are going to want to pack in your trailer are almost all going to come in a can, bag, or tube form.Non-perishable foods are your best friend when it comes to surviving a disaster. They are usually packed with protein and vitamins and keep for very, very long periods of time.on a large variety of freeze-dried foods that don’t easily spoil and you will thank yourself later on.Here’s a of our highly recommended survival food supplier;. Guns, ammo, weapons –It is safe to say that any serious survivalist is going to want guns and ammunition when shit-hits-the-fan.

And it is going to be way too late for a stop by the local gun store on your way out of town.Think ahead, plan ahead, and grab some extra ammo every week to add to your.Keep at least a and ideally a inside the trailer at all times. If you have a means of, do it. Nascar rumble ending. Anyone who can get their hands on your firearms will definitely try.Disaster situations do strange things to people, they make them desperate, savage. Protect your weapons at all costs or they may be used against youAnd the same goes for swords, maces, flails, bayonets, chainsaws, clubs, blowguns, and throwing stars. You don’t need a full armory in your trailer, but I highly recommend to add a few key self-defense weapons. Medical kit –This is a vital piece of gear that everyone should own. You can build your own or buy a pre-made one.

Here is a really awesome article on.Doctors are rarely present in emergency situations, and you will likely have a need for medical supplies and medical attention at some point.Owning a is like having good insurance – you don’t need it until you really freaking need it. And it will likely save your life in such a case.Fuel –It is never certain what kind of circumstances you might have to pack up and flee with your trailer under.For all intents and purposes, it is safe to assume that stopping at the gas station for a quick top-off won’t always be an option.There might be huge lines, or the stations may not be working at all.So keep some fuel stored in in your trailer so that you can just pull off and fill up anywhere should you need to.is one of the best things to keep stored with any or cache. Spare tires –When you’re driving your vehicle over rough terrain and carrying all of your valuable survival equipment and supplies, a spare tire is a must.You don’t want to be left for dead in the middle of nowhere just because of a mundane flat tire. Keep at least one and ideally two or three spare tires with you at all times. Nice Items to HaveThey may not all be necessary, and honestly, you may never even get the chance to use all of these supplies. But it grants you peace of mind to prepare on all fronts, and should the need actually arise, you may owe your life to one or more of these items. Tools –Obviously, you will not need these every day, but it seems likely that at some point or another, tools will be a very useful item to have stored in a survival trailer.

Be it for mechanical reasons or otherwise, hand tools always come in handy. Binoculars –Whether you are hunting or launching an offensive attack on an enemy, are an excellent survival asset to own. Fishing/hunting supplies –On top of ammo and guns for hunting, keep a bit of and stored in the survival trailer. Having non-perishable food is great, but when you are miles from civilization and have not eaten something fresh in a few weeks, catching and grilling a fat freshwater trout can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world. Cookware, plates/bowls, silverware –Not a necessity by any means, but very nice to have.

Eating straight out of cans and bags will get old after a while. And and are affordable and take up very little space. Stove –are relatively affordable and come in all shapes and sizes.

You can get an old-fashion white gas stove, a jet boil, or a.No matter what kind of fuel it burns or what shape and size it is, the ability to cook food and boil water with the twist of a switch is a fantastic amenity when you are in the wild and away from home. Extra clothes –Needless to say, fresh clothes won’t be in high supply should you have to ditch town and take in your survival trailer. So make sure you bring spare undies, socks, t-shirts, and pants.

You’ll thank yourself, I promise. Entertainment –Survival isn’t all about keeping your physical body healthy and out of harm’s way. It also involves keeping your mind healthy, and unbroken. A life without any sort of entertainment can drive one crazy ( “All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy”).Make sure to store a few of the, a , and a board game in with your survival gear. Entertainment can be as valuable as food and water in a world gone mad with chaos. Vices –Hear me out, in any survival supply list, vices are very useful to have. Cigarettes, coffee, cannabis, beer, liquor, porn, whatever!


Not just for personal use ( although that is a bonus), but because in a world that has potentially, cash and coin will be about as useful as dirt.Trust me, vices will be rare and highly sought after.I promise such supplies are cheaper now than they will be after shit-hits-the-fan, so stock up while supplies last. Even if you don’t partake in any of these habits, I would still recommend buying some and keeping them in your survival trailer. They will assuredly come in more useful than you can imagine. Extra cash –Maybe the, maybe it doesn’t. Be prepared for either circumstance and keep both non-monetary items for trade stockpiled, as well as a little bit of extra cash. Just make sure that it is well hidden and/or locked up in the trailer.

Seeds and gardening tools –Remember when I said you were going to get sick of non-perishable food really fast? Well, here’s your solution.If your survival trailer becomes your main place of residence you may have the opportunity to settle done in one place long enough to put down roots. Planting a garden can yield a surprising amount of extra food, and all it costs is extra elbow grease. Here’s an we recommend adding to your survival trailer.

Bikes and boats –They can be, road bikes, dirt bikes, or even motorcycles. They can be canoes, paddleboards, or rafts. No matter what type of boat or bike, you can attach it to your trailer or store it inside, it’s extremely useful to have multiple modes of transportation.Bikes are agile and small and quick, boats allow you to access places that might otherwise be unreachable. Having the ability to leave the trailer hidden somewhere and go out on your own in a smaller, less visible, more efficient manner is highly appealing and would undoubtedly prove useful. Locks and chains –Locking and securing your belongings is essential.People will try to steal your equipment, given the chance, so invest in to keep your trailer closed up tight and your equipment secure.You can never do too much when it comes to theft prevention.

Maps and atlases –It is a really good idea to store a and atlases to guide you on any journey you might take in your survival trailer. Store lots of maps of your local area, and of places you travel to often, but also keep maps of the rest of the US, roadmaps, and topos to help you navigate both the roads and the landscape.As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We're Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. Where To Buy Your TrailerThis question is highly dependent on your budget.

For some the best place to buy their trailer is going to be the local dealer, for others, it will be online or through a private vendor. Here are a few sites that we did some research on and that look like viable options for anyone wanting their own survival trailer.The Final WordThere are too many benefits to having a survival trailer to list in a single article. If it’s within your power to do so, I would highly encourage every survivalist out there to buy and stock up one of their very own.It is no small project and, as mentioned earlier, it isn’t necessarily cheap. But a survival trailer not only lends itself to a mobile shelter that you can drive and park anywhere, but it also doubles as a mobile.Survival trailers are like a gigantic that you can live in! They streamline any survival plan and offer space to bring family and friends in the event of a true bug out scenario.In a disaster, when you and everyone are preparing to flee, you want to be the very first one out of harm’s way because you owned a trailer, stocked full of gear, supplies, and equipment.With no packing to do, besides last-minute items, survival trailers enable you to escape with speed and clarity. If you are looking for your next survival project/investment, make it a survival trailer.It will put you miles ahead of the game Will BrendzaP.s.

Do you know where the closest nuclear bunker is from your home?There are a lot of. And is near your home.above to find out where you need to take shelter. You all going to like this. Our BOV is a 1978 Suburban. The trailer it tows is the box off of a 1973 Chevy truck.

The suspension is 1973 Oldsmobile Toronado. The air shocks are off of a 1979 Burb, and the tongue is from a U-Haul car hauler trailer.It sits as high as the SUV pulling it, (4 inch lift) and can carry 1500 gallons of fuel in 50 gallon drums, as long as your not in a hurry. The U-Haul electric brake works real good with the discs from the Olds front end.My friend built it, and willed it to me.We can sleep, eat, and be mary in there.

Looking for DIY survival hacks, tips, recipes and projects? Keep readingA lot of people think DIYs are just for fun.

When they hear “DIY,” they think of cute crafts and recipes. The fact is, DIYing is a truly lifesaving skill, and many DIY enthusiasts have other interests that include homesteading, survival and preparedness.DIY and self-reliance go hand-in-hand, so it’s no surprise that so many DIY-ers are survival and homesteading enthusiasts, as well. The Ultimate List of DIY Survival Hacks, Tips and RecipesIf you’re interested in living a more self-reliant lifestyle, you’re in luck. We’ve collected all of our favorite survival and homesteading tips, survival food recipes, food storage tips, paracord projects and more for the ultimate DIY survival guide. Read on to learn more.

DIY Survival: FirestartingFirestarting is one of the most basic survival skills you can have. Knowing how to make a fire ensures that you’ll stay warm and be able to cook food in any survival situation.

Sometimes, however, starting a fire is easier said than done. Here are some DIY survival hacks for starting a fire:These DIY firestarters and survival candles are easy to make and work great!Need a quick way to start a fire?

Or maybe you don’t have a fire pit and you don’t want to leave a trace? This tutorial shows you how you can make a fire starter using recycled materials that you most likely already have laying around your house. It is also a great survival candle. Trust me, you’ll never go on another camping trip without one of these.Let’s get started!Supplies you need to build the fire starter:.

Medium sized pot (for boiling water). Small metal pot (one that can easily sit inside the medium sized pot).

Wax from old candles. Tin can (crab meat/chicken/tuna can). Cardboard. Scissors or a box cutterCheck out my favorite firestarter. This fire starter made of egg cartons and dryer lint will get a fire started in no time.This is a fun little project for a rainy or cold day, any day.

You just need a paper egg carton, wax and dryer lint. It takes an hour from from start to finish to make them, and only about 10 minutes of your time. (Your wax will be cooling most of this time.) Making fire starters is pretty cool, and I needed some motivation to get my laundry done, anyway. Two birds, one stone.

These light amazingly well. I never knew dryer lint would do that! Be sure to check out my burn test at the end of this post.

Awesome stuff.Why would you want to make these fire starters?Recently, I was camping, and having trouble getting a fire started due to the humidity and rain. I was sure glad I had some of the egg carton fire starters in my bag.

It was way better than matches or a pile of kindling. The wax and dryer lint combo really helps your fire stay going. I also did a burn test with just these fire starters. Keep reading to see how long they stay lit.These DIY fire starters are waterproof and work in any weather.Here are some really cool small waterproof fire starters we’ve made. These little guys are great survival additions to any kit you have. They can really come in handy if you are stuck in a pickle!Supplies to Make DIY Waterproof Fire Starters:.

Soda straws. Pliers.

Scissors. Lighter. Cotton ballsFREE: The is waterproof, easy to use and long-lasting. DIY Survival: Top Food RecipesJust like starting a fire, knowing how to make your own food is essential for any survivalist. It’s important to have survival food that is long-lasting, nutritious and tasty. Believe it or not, making food like this is easier than it sounds — and once you start feeding yourself and your family on healthy, nutritious survival food, you’ll never want to go back to processed food! Here are some of our favorite survival food recipes:Soldiers and sailors the world over have used hardtack as a way to stave off hunger.


It was one of the main sources of food used when Christopher Columbus set sail and eventually landed in America.It is such a basic item that I am amazed no one I know under the age of 50 understands its importance, let alone how to make it.Hardtack is simple. It has three basic ingredients and takes roughly a 1/2 hour of cook time to prepare.This is one of the most cost effective long term survival foods that you can make.It just isn’t very carb friendlyYou can make hardtack almost identical to what sailors, troops and pioneers have been eating (minus the weevils!) b y following this simple recipe:.

4-5 cups of flour. 2 cups of water.

3 tsp. Of saltThese homemade survival bars are healthy and taste great.Want to Know How to Make Homemade Survival Bars? Over the past few months, I decided to try a few varieties, and this is my favorite so far.

The texture is right, the flavor is right, especially is you are a fan of fruity cereal. These taste a lot like Crunch Berries! You can also try lemon and orange flavored Jello in these easy-to-make bars. I guess together, they taste like Trix or Fruity Pebbles. Something like that, anyway. I promised I would try these, and I had not one, but two for a snack before I could put them down.

Going to admit something here – I am a bit of a food critic. If I say these are good, they are good. Otherwise, I am going to call them edible.

These are actually good. They are not like bricks, and they are not dry and bland.Why would you want to make homemade survival bars, anyway?Easy-to-make, quick, and they taste great. Yes, they should have a very long shelf life. There is no oil or any ingredient that goes rancid or spoils quickly.

They do not contain moisture, as you dry them in the oven, but they stay moist due to the Jello. Pretty cool, right?

These homemade survival bars will stay intact without crumbling, pack well and are great for camping, hunting, hiking and to have on hand for emergency preparedness.Chocolate and chia seeds put a new spin on a traditional survival bar.I have now tried many packaged survival bars, and have made a fruit flavored recipe for homemade emergency food bars with a long shelf life. I thought to myself, surely there is a better way to make a homemade survival food bar. The fruit Jello bars are good but awfully sweet. They also do not have the nutritional value I knew you could pack into a bar. The solution? Chocolate and Chia seeds.If you do not know about chia seeds, keep reading. I included some nutritional info on chia, which is a pretty perfect survival food.

Chia seeds stay good for years, and they retain their nutritional value as well as their flavor. They add a nice little crunch to this bar, and the chocolate combines nicely with them. I also added a scoop of protein powder to this recipe. Protein powder is one of my favorite things to add to baking mixes. It really adds value, and the flavor and texture are undetectable, at least to me.

You can leave this ingredient out, if you choose.I decided to make these bars individually. Rolling and cutting them was a tedious chore, and the bars were likely to crumble if not cut through properly. These store more easily, and it is far easier to control the exact portion size and determine nutritional value when made in the manner I describe. These round bars are much easier to get into a dehydrator. Piece of cake.3. DIY Survival: Paracord ProjectsIf you’re familiar with DIY Projects at all, you probably already know that paracord is one of our favorite materials to work with. It’s durable, versatile and the possibilities of what you can make with it are virtually endless. Zoo empire čeština ke stažení.

From keychains, to bracelets, to snare traps and more, check out our favorite paracord projects below. The cobra survival weave is one of the most popular paracord weaves.A is a versatile tool that comes in handy for a number of emergency situations. Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, paracord bracelets are a great tool to have on at all times. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Cobra Survival Bracelet. When made correctly, this Cobra weave will quickly deploy to about 10 feet of paracord!Supplies you need. Paracord bracelets are versatile and useful in all sorts of survival situations.Ever wonder how to make paracord bracelets?

Here is a list of different paracord bracelet projects for you to make at home. All you need are a few simple supplies, and you will be making paracord bracelets for your friends and family. Not to mention your personal outdoor use. There are many different weaves, patterns and knots you can try when braiding the bracelets.Check out our step-by-step tutorials and have fun!A paracord is a great tool for any to have around. Having several paracord bracelets around is even better.The key to working with paracord is knowing a variety of knots.Sometimes knowing the right knot could save your life. Case in point – you need to escape a POW camp and have a pile of bedsheets in your room (It’s a five star POW camp). What knot would you use to tie the bedsheets together so that you can still take the bedsheets with you to keep you warm during your trek through Siberia?

By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly which knot to use.Hint: It’s the Kamikaze Knot.Hint Hint: You should NEVER, EVER USE IT! There’s a reason they call it that.Here are four totally awesome knots that you can make with your paracord which every survivalist should know.Survival bracelets are one of the many things you can make with 550 cord.We love 550 paracord projects, and there are so many to choose from these days. Survival bracelets, paracord belts, watches, monkey fists, lanyards, gear wraps and 100’s of other creative and cool ideas. Super durable and strong, paracord is also stylish and can be found in all colors of the rainbow, plus some super cool camo options!

We chose some of our favorite projects to share with you, and we hope you enjoy these step-by-step tutorials as much as we do.You can even make a dog collar with paracord.This paracord dog collar is your best bet if you are looking for a stylish collar that is also super strong and durable.If you’ve been following our paracord projects, then you know the Cobra weave is one of the more popular weaves. For this paracord dog collar, we are going to take it one step further and do a King Cobra weave! This weave is super strong and even adds a thickness and padding to the original cobra weave, making the collar more comfortable for pooches of all sizes.The tutorial below is done for a large dog, so our collar ends up being a whopping 20″!

If your pup is smaller, you can follow this simple rule to calculate the amount of paracord you’ll need: 1.5 feet of paracord for every 1 inch of your paracord dog collar.These instructions and tutorial will show you how to use paracord and sticks to create a basic snare that will increase your probability of catching something in the wild. Let’s get started on this cool paracord project that is one of our favorite DIY survival hacks!Supplies you need to build a paracord snare trap:. Pair of gloves. Sticks. Paracord. Ax. KnifeThis paracord keychain is a great tool for any survivalist.Supplies you need:.

3 5ft strands of paracord – (Try it with three different colors!). Lighter or matches. Pencil. KeyringStep 1: Starting the Paracord Keychain.

Take your first two strands of paracord and intersect them at the centers to form a cross.(The bottom one should be horizontal, the top one vertical.)Under 2 oz., quick and simple conversion, and FREE.A paracord monkey fist is a handy survival weapon.A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker.In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist using a pool ball! This giant monkey fist weighs in at a hefty 6 ounces!This quick deploy paracord bracelet is a survival must have.When you are in a survival situation, every second counts. This blaze bar bracelet is designed to quickly deploy.

How quick you ask? Under 20 seconds!Follow this tutorial to make your very own blaze bar, quick deploy bracelet and be at ease knowing you’re a little more ready for an emergency situation.A more compact version of the paracord monkey fist.A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker.In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist knot keychain.Supplies you need:. 1″ steel ball bearing. 6ft 550 paracord in a color that you want to be the main color. 4ft 550 Paracord in a color that you want to be the compliment color. 1″ Monkey Fist Jig.

key ring. scissors. lighter or matchesOat spike is another popular weave for paracord survival bracelets.is a versatile tool that can come in handy for a number of emergency situations.

Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, knowing how to tie a paracord bracelet is a great skill. Knowing how to tie several is even better- try making our and our. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Oat Spike Survival Bracelet.This paracord belt is as fashionable as it is useful.These paracord belt instructions show you how to make a DIY paracord rescue belt, my favorite of all the belts I tried. Paracord bracelets can come in handy but only have 8-12 feet of rope, while a paracord belt can have up to 50 feet or more of 550 paracord. In extreme survival situations, 50 feet of rope would be a lot more use for you than 8-12 feet. However, this paracord belt gives you at least 50 feet of paracord rope that is quickly accessible, and depending on your waist size, up to 100 ft of 550 cord.This belt is a quick deploy survival rescue belt that uses Slatt’s rescue weave.

You can unravel, or deploy, the paracord in a matter of seconds.This solid gear grip made out of paracord will help you keep a firm grip on your tools.Are your tools and weapons always slipping out of your sweaty palms? Are you tired of drawing your war hammer, only to watch it go flying and land at your enemy’s feet? Are these follies the result of you not keeping up with your hand grip routine like you said you would?

No stupid, it’s because you didn’t go to DIY Projects and learn how to make a Badass Paracord Solid Gear Wrap.Enhance your favorite survival knife with this paracord knife grip.Looking for cool new paracord projects to try out for your gear? Paracord can be used in really cool ways to update and enhance your survival gear and weapons.Tired of boring old knife grips? Give your blades and gear handles a makeover with this cool 550 paracord project. All you’ll need is some paracord and a half hour. No experience necessary – this tutorial is perfect for beginners!4. DIY Survival: HomesteadingHomesteading is the art of self-reliance. True homesteaders live off the land and off the grid, finding creative uses for everyday items and making sure they are using every resource to its full potential.

When done right, homesteading can be rewarding in a number of ways. Here are some homesteading survival tips from our site and from our sister site,.These homesteading tips are sure to make you more self-sufficient.The key to a successful homestead does not only lie on being able to grow your own food but on other skills as well. Here is our list of homesteading skills that will surely help you be successful in your urban homesteading journey.Keep in mind that learning these skills will take time, patience and perseverance, and not all of these skills are applicable to certain situations. Hopefully, though, you’ll be able to pick up some great ideas that will inspire you and get you started!Homesteading takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Living a self reliant and sustainable lifestyle is difficult but hugely rewarding for those with the motivation and know-how.Homesteading may be hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Try out these cool projects for your homestead and survival preps for some productive fun!There are many survival and homesteading uses for baking powder and baking soda.Let’s face itwe live in a world full of commodities. So many that we’ve grown very accustomed to a certain lifestyle and it’s difficult when that gets thrown out of whack – especially when you live off the grid. Homesteading brings life back to the basics a bit, but it’s a learning process to say the least. You learn to get clever with what you have, and sometimes when you learn a new trick you find out later that it’s actually quite an old trick.

So why am I telling you all of this? I wanted to share with you all a couple of tricks I’ve learned throughout my homesteading years through my experiences I’ve had while living off the grid. And so, without further ado, here are some off the grid hacks that are useful no matter where you live on or off the grid.Survival gardening is one of the most basic homesteading skills.Interested in homesteading, self-reliance and debt-free living? Learn how to start your own homestead and overcome the struggles of everyday survival. We’ve come up with 11 helpful tips for the average ‘Joe’ who is about to embark on the bumpy ride to self-reliance and modern-day homesteading. DIY Survival: WeaponsMost people, if they have weapons at all, rely only on what is available to purchase. They don’t realize that making your own weapons is entirely possible, and often very practical.

More importantly, it’s a skill that can save your life if you find yourself in the wild without a weapon to hunt or defend yourself with. Here are some of our favorite homemade weapons tutorials from our site and from our friends at.Make a bow just like this one out of PVC fiber glass.Have you been wanting to make a bow for practicing in the yard? Ideally something cheap to bond with the kids over, or maybe to be ready when you need to survive a real world situation? For many survivalists, when they think of a “Survival Bow,” they think of honing some hearty tree sapling in the woods. BUT.The world is changing! There are many supplies available to use that might be more readily available to you, including scraps of PVC.Make a strong and sturdy knife sheath out of duct tape.This unique project is not your average duct tape construction. I decided to use something other than duct tape to create the seams, giving it a much more finished, unique look.

I really wanted to find a way to sew my duct tape patterns together. I found that machine sewing does not work very well, because the needle tends to get gummy.

However, sewing with a thicker material through duct tape that has been punched works great. I love the look of leather, and have enjoyed making a few custom pieces out of it. However, leather is expensive and also not ideal if you know your project is likely to be exposed to moisture. Duct tape is inexpensive, durable, waterproof & lightweight, perfect for creating custom items for holding all sorts of things.It’s essential to know how to make your own weapons when bugging out.If you ever do find yourself in a survival situation, we all hope that we would be prepared with the appropriate tools and supplies.

However, we can’t plan for everything so if you find yourself stranded and need to make your own makeshift tools, a knife will be one of the first things you should make. A survival knife is handy for cooking, creating shelter, hunting and self-defense when necessary. Even if you are the most self-sufficient, emergency prepared person you should learn to make this essential survival tool using this easy tutorial.A homemade spoon knife from an old car spring.Hopefully you will never find yourself in a survival situation, but if you do you should always be prepared and use what you have on hand to create the survival tools you’ll need. One of the best tools to have for emergency preparedness is a survival knife.

If you forget your knife, lose it or it breaks, don’t panic yet! We have compiled a list of the best knife making tutorials so you can remain prepared and make your own knife. The best part is, all the knife making supplies are materials you can easily source in a survival situation. Whether you’re living in a survival scenario or just want to learn a new hobby, knife making is a useful skill to learn. Here are our top 5 picks for best knife making tutorials.A cross bow made from simple office supplies.So you have real crossbow-making tutorials and then you have what we like to call “non-lethal but still gleefully fun and potentially revenge-worthy” crossbow-making projects.

This lies in the latter, and comes up when you find yourself stuck in the office and dreaming of the weekend.Or maybe you’re just looking to put an end to that in-office feud, once and for all. Or maybe you’re looking for a way to tell that cute guy/girl in the next cubicle that you like him/her, and since you never really learned to show your emotions you choose instead to chuck things at them.This simple and easy crossbow is made from everyday office supplies used around the world! Shoot pens, food from the lunch room fridge or whatever else you can think of. Happy hunting.6.

DIY Survival Hack: Food StorageOne of the biggest challenges of being a prepper is food storage. This is especially true for those of us who live in small or rented homes and have limited space to store food items long-term. Here are a couple of DIY survival hacks for food storage.Vacuum sealing food will save you tons of room in your food storage space.Did you know that when you vacuum seal food, it stays fresh 5 times longer than other conventional storage methods? Because vacuum sealing removes the air from the container (reducing oxidation), foods such as beef, poultry, fish and even vegetables can have an extended freezer life– up to 3 years!I’ve laid out a quick explanation of how to go about using your vacuum sealer to safely and quickly store your food.Let’s get started!Unfortunately, many people waste both their time and money on avoidable mistakes in their emergency food storage.

And nothing will frustrate you quicker than finding that your hard work has gone to waste due to some stupid, preventable error. You need to be properly storing the right food, and have the ability to prepare the food you have.

You will need access to the correct ingredients and equipment to prepare you meals, which takes quite a bit of planning. For this reason, we highly encourage you to read up on the following smart food storage strategy and tips.

Follow these instructions and avoid emergency food storage fails.7. Other DIY Survival Hacks and TipsHere are some other great DIY survival hacks and tutorials. Be prepared for a blizzard with these survival tips.When the next winter storm hits, be prepared with these blizzard survival tips. You don’t have to be the ultimate prepper to survive a blizzard, but everyone should have a working knowledge of cold weather know how. Watch for whiteout’s and always stay indoors and avoid driving during these types of storms.Have some extra time and looking for some cool projects?

Need a preparedness project you can do this weekend, or even several? Hoping to learn a new skill in the process?Look no further. I’ve spent a lot of time lately researching cool projects, and I want to share with you these 36 great weekend preparedness projects I found. It was hard to decide, though.

I found a ton of good ones. I may have to do a series like this.Some are projects on the site, some on other sites I like. Preppers, survivalists, and anyone who wants to be a little more prepared at the end of the day can get a lot from making these. All of these projects are low budget, many practically free.

Most will not take more than a couple of hours, and some are faster than that.Garlic is one of the nature’s most powerful natural medicines.Medicinal herbs are among the most useful items for preppers. First aid and health care are among the most essential needs for human survival. But what if you couldn’t run to the store for your supplies any longer? I rely pretty heavily on my medicine cabinet to help me deal with everyday aches, pains, and everything in between. From allergies to sprained ankles, I often find myself popping the top of a pill bottle for relief.

What I failed to realize until recently is that I’m failing to use of the of best resources available to me – Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. Find out what medicinal herbs are the most useful and effective, and why you should keep them all in your bug out bag.Make a pocket-sized survival kit using a pill bottle.Here we have an incredibly simple survival kit that you can make at home that covers the essentials of survival and and could very well save your life if you are ever stranded out in the wilderness with nothing but this kit and the clothes on your back.Most everything in this kit can be found in your very own house. Here are all the instructions for putting it together.Go off the grid by collecting rainwater for later use.Rainwater collection is a great way to reduce your water usage. Did you know the average person wastes about 30 gallons of water per day? Just imagine if you could save at least a third of your water usage.

Well, you can! A rainwater collection system is a really great way to recycle water during those hot summer months when water conservation is at its most necessary!Looking for some cool DIY survival hacks for weekend projects for preparedness? You loved our weekend preparedness projects for preppers so much the first time, we thought we’d give you even more!Only this time, we’ve only included even better and more useful survival gear and projects for you preppers-in-training to work on.

With our friends over at, we’ve created a list of the best disaster preparedness projects for you and your family to work on in your down time.We hope you’ve enjoyed our compilation of DIY survival and preparedness tips. Do you have any tips of your own? Share them in the comments below!

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  • While these are just three out of thousands of possible options, I believe these 3 trailers cover the basics of what you can purchase for your survival trailer needs.But what if you don’t want to fork out 10k for a bug out trailer? Or what if you would like to build your own trailer and customize it to perfectly suit your needs? That exactly what we’ll cover next.As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We\'re Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. The Many Different Types of DIY Survival TrailersHonestly, anything that carries survival equipment and tows behind a vehicle can be considered a survival trailer.If you’re mechanically inclined and have the means to do so, there’s no reason you can’t build your own survival trailer.However, if you’re not mechanically inclined, then this isn’t a build you’ll want to cut your teeth on.Otherwise, you may end up with an ugly, unreliable Frankentrailer.The most straightforward DIY survival trailer build is one the replicates the camper survival trailers covered in the previous section. 4 – The Camper Trailer –When it comes to DIY, it’s always best to do a bunch of research first. So I want to share with you a few sites and videos to help your own DIY research.This first video is a guy who spent 6 months building his survival trailer.

    Spending a couple of hours to work on it each day. As you may have noticed in the video, this guy has an entire site dedicated to showing you, step by step how to build a badass survival trailer yourself.

    This is my survival world coming soon to youtube on www.youtube.com user Sonicboy49 View map now! The Minecraft Project, The Survival Project!, was posted by sonicboy99. Home Home arrowright Minecraft Community Content arrowright Projects arrowright The Survival Project! Minecraft Project.

    The site is and is worth checking out.It’s got all the information you need including schematics and Q/A in the comment sections. The site is an absolute DIY gem. 5 – Compact Horse Trailers –A horse trailer conversion setup is more on the budget side of things, but still a solid option for anyone looking for a quick getaway. They are not originally intended for human occupancy. As the name implies, these trailers carry horses, so don’t expect a luxury RV.With that said, it’s impressive what this guy was able to do with his old horse trailer. What makes this setup so sweet is the, gear storage, and a bed.

    Now the downside is this trailer won’t survive the harshest off-road environments.But if you have a in mind, and it doesn’t include rock crawling, then you may be able to get away with this simple budget-friendly rig. Customizing Your Survival Trailer/VehicleThe best part about owning your own survival trailer is, you can do whatever you want to it. You can paint it whatever color you like, fill it what you feel is necessary.But before you go adding flame decals and installing external speaker systems, let’s talk about your custom survival trailer options: Color –This is the first thing anyone buying a trailer for survival purposes should consider. Most trailers come in cream, white, or metallic colors that don’t really blend into the natural environment very well.I’m not suggesting that you should paint it in camouflage colors and patterns as soon as you get it.But definitely consider a coat of something dark, or earth-toned.Forest green, black, gray, brown – anything but bright colors and patterns that stick out.Another great option is to get some.This stuff really helps your rig blend in with the surroundings in most forest settings. Interior Design –Do not be afraid to put shelves where you want, and add bunks or cots, storage boxes or even windows in your trailer. However, don’t go so far that you compromise the structural integrity of your trailer; otherwise, have at it.Make your survival trailer the perfect storage/shelter facility for you.If you have equipment that requires custom storage, plan it out and build it. If things really get bad, this trailer may become your permanent home, so make it ideal for you.

    Exterior Design –Color, as mentioned above, is a top priority. But you can also add materials to the outside of your trailer to make it more durable and more adaptable.For instance, homemade frames can be built to support a tent on top of the trailer or to hold or string up tarps for a makeshift.Or you can attach metal diamond plating to the exterior walls to increase durability ( although the added weight will undoubtedly decrease gas mileage). Mechanical Improvements –Beefing up the axel, adding off-road tires, off-road shocks, and even a lift kit is possible with some research, skill, and creativity.These additions are highly desirable when you’re escaping a city and take refuge in the deep wilderness. Packing Your Survival TrailerObviously one of the most important things about the trailer is what’s inside it.

    Hopefully, you have time to plan and pack your trailer at home before a disaster ever strikes.The longer you spend mulling over what you are going to fill your survival trailer with, the better prepared you will be. Guaranteed.This list is not absolutely comprehensive, but it is a good start to packing any survival trailer with the supplies and equipment you’ll need during a real bug out.Exclusive Bonus Content - Skilled Survival\'s 104 Item Bug Out Bag Checklist - the only bug out checklist worth using.

    To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. The Absolute NecessitiesAlways start with the supplies that you can’t survive without. Make sure that you are totally prepared on this front before moving on to more superfluous items. Water & water purification system/method –Human beings can go a relatively long time without calories. That’s why water is easily the most important item on a survival packing list, above food.Make sure that you have an adequate supply of fresh water and a for collecting and purifying water you find in nature.Food –Everyone loves food.But unfortunately, you are not going to be able to keep a fresh stock of organic veggies and farm-fresh eggs in your trailer.The rations you are going to want to pack in your trailer are almost all going to come in a can, bag, or tube form.Non-perishable foods are your best friend when it comes to surviving a disaster. They are usually packed with protein and vitamins and keep for very, very long periods of time.on a large variety of freeze-dried foods that don’t easily spoil and you will thank yourself later on.Here’s a of our highly recommended survival food supplier;. Guns, ammo, weapons –It is safe to say that any serious survivalist is going to want guns and ammunition when shit-hits-the-fan.

    And it is going to be way too late for a stop by the local gun store on your way out of town.Think ahead, plan ahead, and grab some extra ammo every week to add to your.Keep at least a and ideally a inside the trailer at all times. If you have a means of, do it. Nascar rumble ending. Anyone who can get their hands on your firearms will definitely try.Disaster situations do strange things to people, they make them desperate, savage. Protect your weapons at all costs or they may be used against youAnd the same goes for swords, maces, flails, bayonets, chainsaws, clubs, blowguns, and throwing stars. You don’t need a full armory in your trailer, but I highly recommend to add a few key self-defense weapons. Medical kit –This is a vital piece of gear that everyone should own. You can build your own or buy a pre-made one.

    Here is a really awesome article on.Doctors are rarely present in emergency situations, and you will likely have a need for medical supplies and medical attention at some point.Owning a is like having good insurance – you don’t need it until you really freaking need it. And it will likely save your life in such a case.Fuel –It is never certain what kind of circumstances you might have to pack up and flee with your trailer under.For all intents and purposes, it is safe to assume that stopping at the gas station for a quick top-off won’t always be an option.There might be huge lines, or the stations may not be working at all.So keep some fuel stored in in your trailer so that you can just pull off and fill up anywhere should you need to.is one of the best things to keep stored with any or cache. Spare tires –When you’re driving your vehicle over rough terrain and carrying all of your valuable survival equipment and supplies, a spare tire is a must.You don’t want to be left for dead in the middle of nowhere just because of a mundane flat tire. Keep at least one and ideally two or three spare tires with you at all times. Nice Items to HaveThey may not all be necessary, and honestly, you may never even get the chance to use all of these supplies. But it grants you peace of mind to prepare on all fronts, and should the need actually arise, you may owe your life to one or more of these items. Tools –Obviously, you will not need these every day, but it seems likely that at some point or another, tools will be a very useful item to have stored in a survival trailer.

    Be it for mechanical reasons or otherwise, hand tools always come in handy. Binoculars –Whether you are hunting or launching an offensive attack on an enemy, are an excellent survival asset to own. Fishing/hunting supplies –On top of ammo and guns for hunting, keep a bit of and stored in the survival trailer. Having non-perishable food is great, but when you are miles from civilization and have not eaten something fresh in a few weeks, catching and grilling a fat freshwater trout can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world. Cookware, plates/bowls, silverware –Not a necessity by any means, but very nice to have.

    Eating straight out of cans and bags will get old after a while. And and are affordable and take up very little space. Stove –are relatively affordable and come in all shapes and sizes.

    You can get an old-fashion white gas stove, a jet boil, or a.No matter what kind of fuel it burns or what shape and size it is, the ability to cook food and boil water with the twist of a switch is a fantastic amenity when you are in the wild and away from home. Extra clothes –Needless to say, fresh clothes won’t be in high supply should you have to ditch town and take in your survival trailer. So make sure you bring spare undies, socks, t-shirts, and pants.

    You’ll thank yourself, I promise. Entertainment –Survival isn’t all about keeping your physical body healthy and out of harm’s way. It also involves keeping your mind healthy, and unbroken. A life without any sort of entertainment can drive one crazy ( “All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy”).Make sure to store a few of the, a , and a board game in with your survival gear. Entertainment can be as valuable as food and water in a world gone mad with chaos. Vices –Hear me out, in any survival supply list, vices are very useful to have. Cigarettes, coffee, cannabis, beer, liquor, porn, whatever!


    Not just for personal use ( although that is a bonus), but because in a world that has potentially, cash and coin will be about as useful as dirt.Trust me, vices will be rare and highly sought after.I promise such supplies are cheaper now than they will be after shit-hits-the-fan, so stock up while supplies last. Even if you don’t partake in any of these habits, I would still recommend buying some and keeping them in your survival trailer. They will assuredly come in more useful than you can imagine. Extra cash –Maybe the, maybe it doesn’t. Be prepared for either circumstance and keep both non-monetary items for trade stockpiled, as well as a little bit of extra cash. Just make sure that it is well hidden and/or locked up in the trailer.

    Seeds and gardening tools –Remember when I said you were going to get sick of non-perishable food really fast? Well, here’s your solution.If your survival trailer becomes your main place of residence you may have the opportunity to settle done in one place long enough to put down roots. Planting a garden can yield a surprising amount of extra food, and all it costs is extra elbow grease. Here’s an we recommend adding to your survival trailer.

    Bikes and boats –They can be, road bikes, dirt bikes, or even motorcycles. They can be canoes, paddleboards, or rafts. No matter what type of boat or bike, you can attach it to your trailer or store it inside, it’s extremely useful to have multiple modes of transportation.Bikes are agile and small and quick, boats allow you to access places that might otherwise be unreachable. Having the ability to leave the trailer hidden somewhere and go out on your own in a smaller, less visible, more efficient manner is highly appealing and would undoubtedly prove useful. Locks and chains –Locking and securing your belongings is essential.People will try to steal your equipment, given the chance, so invest in to keep your trailer closed up tight and your equipment secure.You can never do too much when it comes to theft prevention.

    Maps and atlases –It is a really good idea to store a and atlases to guide you on any journey you might take in your survival trailer. Store lots of maps of your local area, and of places you travel to often, but also keep maps of the rest of the US, roadmaps, and topos to help you navigate both the roads and the landscape.As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We\'re Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. Where To Buy Your TrailerThis question is highly dependent on your budget.

    For some the best place to buy their trailer is going to be the local dealer, for others, it will be online or through a private vendor. Here are a few sites that we did some research on and that look like viable options for anyone wanting their own survival trailer.The Final WordThere are too many benefits to having a survival trailer to list in a single article. If it’s within your power to do so, I would highly encourage every survivalist out there to buy and stock up one of their very own.It is no small project and, as mentioned earlier, it isn’t necessarily cheap. But a survival trailer not only lends itself to a mobile shelter that you can drive and park anywhere, but it also doubles as a mobile.Survival trailers are like a gigantic that you can live in! They streamline any survival plan and offer space to bring family and friends in the event of a true bug out scenario.In a disaster, when you and everyone are preparing to flee, you want to be the very first one out of harm’s way because you owned a trailer, stocked full of gear, supplies, and equipment.With no packing to do, besides last-minute items, survival trailers enable you to escape with speed and clarity. If you are looking for your next survival project/investment, make it a survival trailer.It will put you miles ahead of the game Will BrendzaP.s.

    Do you know where the closest nuclear bunker is from your home?There are a lot of. And is near your home.above to find out where you need to take shelter. You all going to like this. Our BOV is a 1978 Suburban. The trailer it tows is the box off of a 1973 Chevy truck.

    The suspension is 1973 Oldsmobile Toronado. The air shocks are off of a 1979 Burb, and the tongue is from a U-Haul car hauler trailer.It sits as high as the SUV pulling it, (4 inch lift) and can carry 1500 gallons of fuel in 50 gallon drums, as long as your not in a hurry. The U-Haul electric brake works real good with the discs from the Olds front end.My friend built it, and willed it to me.We can sleep, eat, and be mary in there.

    Looking for DIY survival hacks, tips, recipes and projects? Keep readingA lot of people think DIYs are just for fun.

    When they hear “DIY,” they think of cute crafts and recipes. The fact is, DIYing is a truly lifesaving skill, and many DIY enthusiasts have other interests that include homesteading, survival and preparedness.DIY and self-reliance go hand-in-hand, so it’s no surprise that so many DIY-ers are survival and homesteading enthusiasts, as well. The Ultimate List of DIY Survival Hacks, Tips and RecipesIf you’re interested in living a more self-reliant lifestyle, you’re in luck. We’ve collected all of our favorite survival and homesteading tips, survival food recipes, food storage tips, paracord projects and more for the ultimate DIY survival guide. Read on to learn more.

    DIY Survival: FirestartingFirestarting is one of the most basic survival skills you can have. Knowing how to make a fire ensures that you’ll stay warm and be able to cook food in any survival situation.

    Sometimes, however, starting a fire is easier said than done. Here are some DIY survival hacks for starting a fire:These DIY firestarters and survival candles are easy to make and work great!Need a quick way to start a fire?

    Or maybe you don’t have a fire pit and you don’t want to leave a trace? This tutorial shows you how you can make a fire starter using recycled materials that you most likely already have laying around your house. It is also a great survival candle. Trust me, you’ll never go on another camping trip without one of these.Let’s get started!Supplies you need to build the fire starter:.

    Medium sized pot (for boiling water). Small metal pot (one that can easily sit inside the medium sized pot).

    Wax from old candles. Tin can (crab meat/chicken/tuna can). Cardboard. Scissors or a box cutterCheck out my favorite firestarter. This fire starter made of egg cartons and dryer lint will get a fire started in no time.This is a fun little project for a rainy or cold day, any day.

    You just need a paper egg carton, wax and dryer lint. It takes an hour from from start to finish to make them, and only about 10 minutes of your time. (Your wax will be cooling most of this time.) Making fire starters is pretty cool, and I needed some motivation to get my laundry done, anyway. Two birds, one stone.

    These light amazingly well. I never knew dryer lint would do that! Be sure to check out my burn test at the end of this post.

    Awesome stuff.Why would you want to make these fire starters?Recently, I was camping, and having trouble getting a fire started due to the humidity and rain. I was sure glad I had some of the egg carton fire starters in my bag.

    It was way better than matches or a pile of kindling. The wax and dryer lint combo really helps your fire stay going. I also did a burn test with just these fire starters. Keep reading to see how long they stay lit.These DIY fire starters are waterproof and work in any weather.Here are some really cool small waterproof fire starters we’ve made. These little guys are great survival additions to any kit you have. They can really come in handy if you are stuck in a pickle!Supplies to Make DIY Waterproof Fire Starters:.

    Soda straws. Pliers.

    Scissors. Lighter. Cotton ballsFREE: The is waterproof, easy to use and long-lasting. DIY Survival: Top Food RecipesJust like starting a fire, knowing how to make your own food is essential for any survivalist. It’s important to have survival food that is long-lasting, nutritious and tasty. Believe it or not, making food like this is easier than it sounds — and once you start feeding yourself and your family on healthy, nutritious survival food, you’ll never want to go back to processed food! Here are some of our favorite survival food recipes:Soldiers and sailors the world over have used hardtack as a way to stave off hunger.


    It was one of the main sources of food used when Christopher Columbus set sail and eventually landed in America.It is such a basic item that I am amazed no one I know under the age of 50 understands its importance, let alone how to make it.Hardtack is simple. It has three basic ingredients and takes roughly a 1/2 hour of cook time to prepare.This is one of the most cost effective long term survival foods that you can make.It just isn’t very carb friendlyYou can make hardtack almost identical to what sailors, troops and pioneers have been eating (minus the weevils!) b y following this simple recipe:.

    4-5 cups of flour. 2 cups of water.

    3 tsp. Of saltThese homemade survival bars are healthy and taste great.Want to Know How to Make Homemade Survival Bars? Over the past few months, I decided to try a few varieties, and this is my favorite so far.

    The texture is right, the flavor is right, especially is you are a fan of fruity cereal. These taste a lot like Crunch Berries! You can also try lemon and orange flavored Jello in these easy-to-make bars. I guess together, they taste like Trix or Fruity Pebbles. Something like that, anyway. I promised I would try these, and I had not one, but two for a snack before I could put them down.

    Going to admit something here – I am a bit of a food critic. If I say these are good, they are good. Otherwise, I am going to call them edible.

    These are actually good. They are not like bricks, and they are not dry and bland.Why would you want to make homemade survival bars, anyway?Easy-to-make, quick, and they taste great. Yes, they should have a very long shelf life. There is no oil or any ingredient that goes rancid or spoils quickly.

    They do not contain moisture, as you dry them in the oven, but they stay moist due to the Jello. Pretty cool, right?

    These homemade survival bars will stay intact without crumbling, pack well and are great for camping, hunting, hiking and to have on hand for emergency preparedness.Chocolate and chia seeds put a new spin on a traditional survival bar.I have now tried many packaged survival bars, and have made a fruit flavored recipe for homemade emergency food bars with a long shelf life. I thought to myself, surely there is a better way to make a homemade survival food bar. The fruit Jello bars are good but awfully sweet. They also do not have the nutritional value I knew you could pack into a bar. The solution? Chocolate and Chia seeds.If you do not know about chia seeds, keep reading. I included some nutritional info on chia, which is a pretty perfect survival food.

    Chia seeds stay good for years, and they retain their nutritional value as well as their flavor. They add a nice little crunch to this bar, and the chocolate combines nicely with them. I also added a scoop of protein powder to this recipe. Protein powder is one of my favorite things to add to baking mixes. It really adds value, and the flavor and texture are undetectable, at least to me.

    You can leave this ingredient out, if you choose.I decided to make these bars individually. Rolling and cutting them was a tedious chore, and the bars were likely to crumble if not cut through properly. These store more easily, and it is far easier to control the exact portion size and determine nutritional value when made in the manner I describe. These round bars are much easier to get into a dehydrator. Piece of cake.3. DIY Survival: Paracord ProjectsIf you’re familiar with DIY Projects at all, you probably already know that paracord is one of our favorite materials to work with. It’s durable, versatile and the possibilities of what you can make with it are virtually endless. Zoo empire čeština ke stažení.

    From keychains, to bracelets, to snare traps and more, check out our favorite paracord projects below. The cobra survival weave is one of the most popular paracord weaves.A is a versatile tool that comes in handy for a number of emergency situations. Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, paracord bracelets are a great tool to have on at all times. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Cobra Survival Bracelet. When made correctly, this Cobra weave will quickly deploy to about 10 feet of paracord!Supplies you need. Paracord bracelets are versatile and useful in all sorts of survival situations.Ever wonder how to make paracord bracelets?

    Here is a list of different paracord bracelet projects for you to make at home. All you need are a few simple supplies, and you will be making paracord bracelets for your friends and family. Not to mention your personal outdoor use. There are many different weaves, patterns and knots you can try when braiding the bracelets.Check out our step-by-step tutorials and have fun!A paracord is a great tool for any to have around. Having several paracord bracelets around is even better.The key to working with paracord is knowing a variety of knots.Sometimes knowing the right knot could save your life. Case in point – you need to escape a POW camp and have a pile of bedsheets in your room (It’s a five star POW camp). What knot would you use to tie the bedsheets together so that you can still take the bedsheets with you to keep you warm during your trek through Siberia?

    By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly which knot to use.Hint: It’s the Kamikaze Knot.Hint Hint: You should NEVER, EVER USE IT! There’s a reason they call it that.Here are four totally awesome knots that you can make with your paracord which every survivalist should know.Survival bracelets are one of the many things you can make with 550 cord.We love 550 paracord projects, and there are so many to choose from these days. Survival bracelets, paracord belts, watches, monkey fists, lanyards, gear wraps and 100’s of other creative and cool ideas. Super durable and strong, paracord is also stylish and can be found in all colors of the rainbow, plus some super cool camo options!

    We chose some of our favorite projects to share with you, and we hope you enjoy these step-by-step tutorials as much as we do.You can even make a dog collar with paracord.This paracord dog collar is your best bet if you are looking for a stylish collar that is also super strong and durable.If you’ve been following our paracord projects, then you know the Cobra weave is one of the more popular weaves. For this paracord dog collar, we are going to take it one step further and do a King Cobra weave! This weave is super strong and even adds a thickness and padding to the original cobra weave, making the collar more comfortable for pooches of all sizes.The tutorial below is done for a large dog, so our collar ends up being a whopping 20″!

    If your pup is smaller, you can follow this simple rule to calculate the amount of paracord you’ll need: 1.5 feet of paracord for every 1 inch of your paracord dog collar.These instructions and tutorial will show you how to use paracord and sticks to create a basic snare that will increase your probability of catching something in the wild. Let’s get started on this cool paracord project that is one of our favorite DIY survival hacks!Supplies you need to build a paracord snare trap:. Pair of gloves. Sticks. Paracord. Ax. KnifeThis paracord keychain is a great tool for any survivalist.Supplies you need:.

    3 5ft strands of paracord – (Try it with three different colors!). Lighter or matches. Pencil. KeyringStep 1: Starting the Paracord Keychain.

    Take your first two strands of paracord and intersect them at the centers to form a cross.(The bottom one should be horizontal, the top one vertical.)Under 2 oz., quick and simple conversion, and FREE.A paracord monkey fist is a handy survival weapon.A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker.In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist using a pool ball! This giant monkey fist weighs in at a hefty 6 ounces!This quick deploy paracord bracelet is a survival must have.When you are in a survival situation, every second counts. This blaze bar bracelet is designed to quickly deploy.

    How quick you ask? Under 20 seconds!Follow this tutorial to make your very own blaze bar, quick deploy bracelet and be at ease knowing you’re a little more ready for an emergency situation.A more compact version of the paracord monkey fist.A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker.In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist knot keychain.Supplies you need:. 1″ steel ball bearing. 6ft 550 paracord in a color that you want to be the main color. 4ft 550 Paracord in a color that you want to be the compliment color. 1″ Monkey Fist Jig.

    key ring. scissors. lighter or matchesOat spike is another popular weave for paracord survival bracelets.is a versatile tool that can come in handy for a number of emergency situations.

    Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, knowing how to tie a paracord bracelet is a great skill. Knowing how to tie several is even better- try making our and our. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Oat Spike Survival Bracelet.This paracord belt is as fashionable as it is useful.These paracord belt instructions show you how to make a DIY paracord rescue belt, my favorite of all the belts I tried. Paracord bracelets can come in handy but only have 8-12 feet of rope, while a paracord belt can have up to 50 feet or more of 550 paracord. In extreme survival situations, 50 feet of rope would be a lot more use for you than 8-12 feet. However, this paracord belt gives you at least 50 feet of paracord rope that is quickly accessible, and depending on your waist size, up to 100 ft of 550 cord.This belt is a quick deploy survival rescue belt that uses Slatt’s rescue weave.

    You can unravel, or deploy, the paracord in a matter of seconds.This solid gear grip made out of paracord will help you keep a firm grip on your tools.Are your tools and weapons always slipping out of your sweaty palms? Are you tired of drawing your war hammer, only to watch it go flying and land at your enemy’s feet? Are these follies the result of you not keeping up with your hand grip routine like you said you would?

    No stupid, it’s because you didn’t go to DIY Projects and learn how to make a Badass Paracord Solid Gear Wrap.Enhance your favorite survival knife with this paracord knife grip.Looking for cool new paracord projects to try out for your gear? Paracord can be used in really cool ways to update and enhance your survival gear and weapons.Tired of boring old knife grips? Give your blades and gear handles a makeover with this cool 550 paracord project. All you’ll need is some paracord and a half hour. No experience necessary – this tutorial is perfect for beginners!4. DIY Survival: HomesteadingHomesteading is the art of self-reliance. True homesteaders live off the land and off the grid, finding creative uses for everyday items and making sure they are using every resource to its full potential.

    When done right, homesteading can be rewarding in a number of ways. Here are some homesteading survival tips from our site and from our sister site,.These homesteading tips are sure to make you more self-sufficient.The key to a successful homestead does not only lie on being able to grow your own food but on other skills as well. Here is our list of homesteading skills that will surely help you be successful in your urban homesteading journey.Keep in mind that learning these skills will take time, patience and perseverance, and not all of these skills are applicable to certain situations. Hopefully, though, you’ll be able to pick up some great ideas that will inspire you and get you started!Homesteading takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

    Living a self reliant and sustainable lifestyle is difficult but hugely rewarding for those with the motivation and know-how.Homesteading may be hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Try out these cool projects for your homestead and survival preps for some productive fun!There are many survival and homesteading uses for baking powder and baking soda.Let’s face itwe live in a world full of commodities. So many that we’ve grown very accustomed to a certain lifestyle and it’s difficult when that gets thrown out of whack – especially when you live off the grid. Homesteading brings life back to the basics a bit, but it’s a learning process to say the least. You learn to get clever with what you have, and sometimes when you learn a new trick you find out later that it’s actually quite an old trick.

    So why am I telling you all of this? I wanted to share with you all a couple of tricks I’ve learned throughout my homesteading years through my experiences I’ve had while living off the grid. And so, without further ado, here are some off the grid hacks that are useful no matter where you live on or off the grid.Survival gardening is one of the most basic homesteading skills.Interested in homesteading, self-reliance and debt-free living? Learn how to start your own homestead and overcome the struggles of everyday survival. We’ve come up with 11 helpful tips for the average ‘Joe’ who is about to embark on the bumpy ride to self-reliance and modern-day homesteading. DIY Survival: WeaponsMost people, if they have weapons at all, rely only on what is available to purchase. They don’t realize that making your own weapons is entirely possible, and often very practical.

    More importantly, it’s a skill that can save your life if you find yourself in the wild without a weapon to hunt or defend yourself with. Here are some of our favorite homemade weapons tutorials from our site and from our friends at.Make a bow just like this one out of PVC fiber glass.Have you been wanting to make a bow for practicing in the yard? Ideally something cheap to bond with the kids over, or maybe to be ready when you need to survive a real world situation? For many survivalists, when they think of a “Survival Bow,” they think of honing some hearty tree sapling in the woods. BUT.The world is changing! There are many supplies available to use that might be more readily available to you, including scraps of PVC.Make a strong and sturdy knife sheath out of duct tape.This unique project is not your average duct tape construction. I decided to use something other than duct tape to create the seams, giving it a much more finished, unique look.

    I really wanted to find a way to sew my duct tape patterns together. I found that machine sewing does not work very well, because the needle tends to get gummy.

    However, sewing with a thicker material through duct tape that has been punched works great. I love the look of leather, and have enjoyed making a few custom pieces out of it. However, leather is expensive and also not ideal if you know your project is likely to be exposed to moisture. Duct tape is inexpensive, durable, waterproof & lightweight, perfect for creating custom items for holding all sorts of things.It’s essential to know how to make your own weapons when bugging out.If you ever do find yourself in a survival situation, we all hope that we would be prepared with the appropriate tools and supplies.

    However, we can’t plan for everything so if you find yourself stranded and need to make your own makeshift tools, a knife will be one of the first things you should make. A survival knife is handy for cooking, creating shelter, hunting and self-defense when necessary. Even if you are the most self-sufficient, emergency prepared person you should learn to make this essential survival tool using this easy tutorial.A homemade spoon knife from an old car spring.Hopefully you will never find yourself in a survival situation, but if you do you should always be prepared and use what you have on hand to create the survival tools you’ll need. One of the best tools to have for emergency preparedness is a survival knife.

    If you forget your knife, lose it or it breaks, don’t panic yet! We have compiled a list of the best knife making tutorials so you can remain prepared and make your own knife. The best part is, all the knife making supplies are materials you can easily source in a survival situation. Whether you’re living in a survival scenario or just want to learn a new hobby, knife making is a useful skill to learn. Here are our top 5 picks for best knife making tutorials.A cross bow made from simple office supplies.So you have real crossbow-making tutorials and then you have what we like to call “non-lethal but still gleefully fun and potentially revenge-worthy” crossbow-making projects.

    This lies in the latter, and comes up when you find yourself stuck in the office and dreaming of the weekend.Or maybe you’re just looking to put an end to that in-office feud, once and for all. Or maybe you’re looking for a way to tell that cute guy/girl in the next cubicle that you like him/her, and since you never really learned to show your emotions you choose instead to chuck things at them.This simple and easy crossbow is made from everyday office supplies used around the world! Shoot pens, food from the lunch room fridge or whatever else you can think of. Happy hunting.6.

    DIY Survival Hack: Food StorageOne of the biggest challenges of being a prepper is food storage. This is especially true for those of us who live in small or rented homes and have limited space to store food items long-term. Here are a couple of DIY survival hacks for food storage.Vacuum sealing food will save you tons of room in your food storage space.Did you know that when you vacuum seal food, it stays fresh 5 times longer than other conventional storage methods? Because vacuum sealing removes the air from the container (reducing oxidation), foods such as beef, poultry, fish and even vegetables can have an extended freezer life– up to 3 years!I’ve laid out a quick explanation of how to go about using your vacuum sealer to safely and quickly store your food.Let’s get started!Unfortunately, many people waste both their time and money on avoidable mistakes in their emergency food storage.

    And nothing will frustrate you quicker than finding that your hard work has gone to waste due to some stupid, preventable error. You need to be properly storing the right food, and have the ability to prepare the food you have.

    You will need access to the correct ingredients and equipment to prepare you meals, which takes quite a bit of planning. For this reason, we highly encourage you to read up on the following smart food storage strategy and tips.

    Follow these instructions and avoid emergency food storage fails.7. Other DIY Survival Hacks and TipsHere are some other great DIY survival hacks and tutorials. Be prepared for a blizzard with these survival tips.When the next winter storm hits, be prepared with these blizzard survival tips. You don’t have to be the ultimate prepper to survive a blizzard, but everyone should have a working knowledge of cold weather know how. Watch for whiteout’s and always stay indoors and avoid driving during these types of storms.Have some extra time and looking for some cool projects?

    Need a preparedness project you can do this weekend, or even several? Hoping to learn a new skill in the process?Look no further. I’ve spent a lot of time lately researching cool projects, and I want to share with you these 36 great weekend preparedness projects I found. It was hard to decide, though.

    I found a ton of good ones. I may have to do a series like this.Some are projects on the site, some on other sites I like. Preppers, survivalists, and anyone who wants to be a little more prepared at the end of the day can get a lot from making these. All of these projects are low budget, many practically free.

    Most will not take more than a couple of hours, and some are faster than that.Garlic is one of the nature’s most powerful natural medicines.Medicinal herbs are among the most useful items for preppers. First aid and health care are among the most essential needs for human survival. But what if you couldn’t run to the store for your supplies any longer? I rely pretty heavily on my medicine cabinet to help me deal with everyday aches, pains, and everything in between. From allergies to sprained ankles, I often find myself popping the top of a pill bottle for relief.

    What I failed to realize until recently is that I’m failing to use of the of best resources available to me – Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. Find out what medicinal herbs are the most useful and effective, and why you should keep them all in your bug out bag.Make a pocket-sized survival kit using a pill bottle.Here we have an incredibly simple survival kit that you can make at home that covers the essentials of survival and and could very well save your life if you are ever stranded out in the wilderness with nothing but this kit and the clothes on your back.Most everything in this kit can be found in your very own house. Here are all the instructions for putting it together.Go off the grid by collecting rainwater for later use.Rainwater collection is a great way to reduce your water usage. Did you know the average person wastes about 30 gallons of water per day? Just imagine if you could save at least a third of your water usage.

    Well, you can! A rainwater collection system is a really great way to recycle water during those hot summer months when water conservation is at its most necessary!Looking for some cool DIY survival hacks for weekend projects for preparedness? You loved our weekend preparedness projects for preppers so much the first time, we thought we’d give you even more!Only this time, we’ve only included even better and more useful survival gear and projects for you preppers-in-training to work on.

    With our friends over at, we’ve created a list of the best disaster preparedness projects for you and your family to work on in your down time.We hope you’ve enjoyed our compilation of DIY survival and preparedness tips. Do you have any tips of your own? Share them in the comments below!

    ...'>Survival Project Youtube(06.04.2020)
  • While these are just three out of thousands of possible options, I believe these 3 trailers cover the basics of what you can purchase for your survival trailer needs.But what if you don’t want to fork out 10k for a bug out trailer? Or what if you would like to build your own trailer and customize it to perfectly suit your needs? That exactly what we’ll cover next.As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We\'re Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. The Many Different Types of DIY Survival TrailersHonestly, anything that carries survival equipment and tows behind a vehicle can be considered a survival trailer.If you’re mechanically inclined and have the means to do so, there’s no reason you can’t build your own survival trailer.However, if you’re not mechanically inclined, then this isn’t a build you’ll want to cut your teeth on.Otherwise, you may end up with an ugly, unreliable Frankentrailer.The most straightforward DIY survival trailer build is one the replicates the camper survival trailers covered in the previous section. 4 – The Camper Trailer –When it comes to DIY, it’s always best to do a bunch of research first. So I want to share with you a few sites and videos to help your own DIY research.This first video is a guy who spent 6 months building his survival trailer.

    Spending a couple of hours to work on it each day. As you may have noticed in the video, this guy has an entire site dedicated to showing you, step by step how to build a badass survival trailer yourself.

    This is my survival world coming soon to youtube on www.youtube.com user Sonicboy49 View map now! The Minecraft Project, The Survival Project!, was posted by sonicboy99. Home Home arrowright Minecraft Community Content arrowright Projects arrowright The Survival Project! Minecraft Project.

    The site is and is worth checking out.It’s got all the information you need including schematics and Q/A in the comment sections. The site is an absolute DIY gem. 5 – Compact Horse Trailers –A horse trailer conversion setup is more on the budget side of things, but still a solid option for anyone looking for a quick getaway. They are not originally intended for human occupancy. As the name implies, these trailers carry horses, so don’t expect a luxury RV.With that said, it’s impressive what this guy was able to do with his old horse trailer. What makes this setup so sweet is the, gear storage, and a bed.

    Now the downside is this trailer won’t survive the harshest off-road environments.But if you have a in mind, and it doesn’t include rock crawling, then you may be able to get away with this simple budget-friendly rig. Customizing Your Survival Trailer/VehicleThe best part about owning your own survival trailer is, you can do whatever you want to it. You can paint it whatever color you like, fill it what you feel is necessary.But before you go adding flame decals and installing external speaker systems, let’s talk about your custom survival trailer options: Color –This is the first thing anyone buying a trailer for survival purposes should consider. Most trailers come in cream, white, or metallic colors that don’t really blend into the natural environment very well.I’m not suggesting that you should paint it in camouflage colors and patterns as soon as you get it.But definitely consider a coat of something dark, or earth-toned.Forest green, black, gray, brown – anything but bright colors and patterns that stick out.Another great option is to get some.This stuff really helps your rig blend in with the surroundings in most forest settings. Interior Design –Do not be afraid to put shelves where you want, and add bunks or cots, storage boxes or even windows in your trailer. However, don’t go so far that you compromise the structural integrity of your trailer; otherwise, have at it.Make your survival trailer the perfect storage/shelter facility for you.If you have equipment that requires custom storage, plan it out and build it. If things really get bad, this trailer may become your permanent home, so make it ideal for you.

    Exterior Design –Color, as mentioned above, is a top priority. But you can also add materials to the outside of your trailer to make it more durable and more adaptable.For instance, homemade frames can be built to support a tent on top of the trailer or to hold or string up tarps for a makeshift.Or you can attach metal diamond plating to the exterior walls to increase durability ( although the added weight will undoubtedly decrease gas mileage). Mechanical Improvements –Beefing up the axel, adding off-road tires, off-road shocks, and even a lift kit is possible with some research, skill, and creativity.These additions are highly desirable when you’re escaping a city and take refuge in the deep wilderness. Packing Your Survival TrailerObviously one of the most important things about the trailer is what’s inside it.

    Hopefully, you have time to plan and pack your trailer at home before a disaster ever strikes.The longer you spend mulling over what you are going to fill your survival trailer with, the better prepared you will be. Guaranteed.This list is not absolutely comprehensive, but it is a good start to packing any survival trailer with the supplies and equipment you’ll need during a real bug out.Exclusive Bonus Content - Skilled Survival\'s 104 Item Bug Out Bag Checklist - the only bug out checklist worth using.

    To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. The Absolute NecessitiesAlways start with the supplies that you can’t survive without. Make sure that you are totally prepared on this front before moving on to more superfluous items. Water & water purification system/method –Human beings can go a relatively long time without calories. That’s why water is easily the most important item on a survival packing list, above food.Make sure that you have an adequate supply of fresh water and a for collecting and purifying water you find in nature.Food –Everyone loves food.But unfortunately, you are not going to be able to keep a fresh stock of organic veggies and farm-fresh eggs in your trailer.The rations you are going to want to pack in your trailer are almost all going to come in a can, bag, or tube form.Non-perishable foods are your best friend when it comes to surviving a disaster. They are usually packed with protein and vitamins and keep for very, very long periods of time.on a large variety of freeze-dried foods that don’t easily spoil and you will thank yourself later on.Here’s a of our highly recommended survival food supplier;. Guns, ammo, weapons –It is safe to say that any serious survivalist is going to want guns and ammunition when shit-hits-the-fan.

    And it is going to be way too late for a stop by the local gun store on your way out of town.Think ahead, plan ahead, and grab some extra ammo every week to add to your.Keep at least a and ideally a inside the trailer at all times. If you have a means of, do it. Nascar rumble ending. Anyone who can get their hands on your firearms will definitely try.Disaster situations do strange things to people, they make them desperate, savage. Protect your weapons at all costs or they may be used against youAnd the same goes for swords, maces, flails, bayonets, chainsaws, clubs, blowguns, and throwing stars. You don’t need a full armory in your trailer, but I highly recommend to add a few key self-defense weapons. Medical kit –This is a vital piece of gear that everyone should own. You can build your own or buy a pre-made one.

    Here is a really awesome article on.Doctors are rarely present in emergency situations, and you will likely have a need for medical supplies and medical attention at some point.Owning a is like having good insurance – you don’t need it until you really freaking need it. And it will likely save your life in such a case.Fuel –It is never certain what kind of circumstances you might have to pack up and flee with your trailer under.For all intents and purposes, it is safe to assume that stopping at the gas station for a quick top-off won’t always be an option.There might be huge lines, or the stations may not be working at all.So keep some fuel stored in in your trailer so that you can just pull off and fill up anywhere should you need to.is one of the best things to keep stored with any or cache. Spare tires –When you’re driving your vehicle over rough terrain and carrying all of your valuable survival equipment and supplies, a spare tire is a must.You don’t want to be left for dead in the middle of nowhere just because of a mundane flat tire. Keep at least one and ideally two or three spare tires with you at all times. Nice Items to HaveThey may not all be necessary, and honestly, you may never even get the chance to use all of these supplies. But it grants you peace of mind to prepare on all fronts, and should the need actually arise, you may owe your life to one or more of these items. Tools –Obviously, you will not need these every day, but it seems likely that at some point or another, tools will be a very useful item to have stored in a survival trailer.

    Be it for mechanical reasons or otherwise, hand tools always come in handy. Binoculars –Whether you are hunting or launching an offensive attack on an enemy, are an excellent survival asset to own. Fishing/hunting supplies –On top of ammo and guns for hunting, keep a bit of and stored in the survival trailer. Having non-perishable food is great, but when you are miles from civilization and have not eaten something fresh in a few weeks, catching and grilling a fat freshwater trout can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world. Cookware, plates/bowls, silverware –Not a necessity by any means, but very nice to have.

    Eating straight out of cans and bags will get old after a while. And and are affordable and take up very little space. Stove –are relatively affordable and come in all shapes and sizes.

    You can get an old-fashion white gas stove, a jet boil, or a.No matter what kind of fuel it burns or what shape and size it is, the ability to cook food and boil water with the twist of a switch is a fantastic amenity when you are in the wild and away from home. Extra clothes –Needless to say, fresh clothes won’t be in high supply should you have to ditch town and take in your survival trailer. So make sure you bring spare undies, socks, t-shirts, and pants.

    You’ll thank yourself, I promise. Entertainment –Survival isn’t all about keeping your physical body healthy and out of harm’s way. It also involves keeping your mind healthy, and unbroken. A life without any sort of entertainment can drive one crazy ( “All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy”).Make sure to store a few of the, a , and a board game in with your survival gear. Entertainment can be as valuable as food and water in a world gone mad with chaos. Vices –Hear me out, in any survival supply list, vices are very useful to have. Cigarettes, coffee, cannabis, beer, liquor, porn, whatever!


    Not just for personal use ( although that is a bonus), but because in a world that has potentially, cash and coin will be about as useful as dirt.Trust me, vices will be rare and highly sought after.I promise such supplies are cheaper now than they will be after shit-hits-the-fan, so stock up while supplies last. Even if you don’t partake in any of these habits, I would still recommend buying some and keeping them in your survival trailer. They will assuredly come in more useful than you can imagine. Extra cash –Maybe the, maybe it doesn’t. Be prepared for either circumstance and keep both non-monetary items for trade stockpiled, as well as a little bit of extra cash. Just make sure that it is well hidden and/or locked up in the trailer.

    Seeds and gardening tools –Remember when I said you were going to get sick of non-perishable food really fast? Well, here’s your solution.If your survival trailer becomes your main place of residence you may have the opportunity to settle done in one place long enough to put down roots. Planting a garden can yield a surprising amount of extra food, and all it costs is extra elbow grease. Here’s an we recommend adding to your survival trailer.

    Bikes and boats –They can be, road bikes, dirt bikes, or even motorcycles. They can be canoes, paddleboards, or rafts. No matter what type of boat or bike, you can attach it to your trailer or store it inside, it’s extremely useful to have multiple modes of transportation.Bikes are agile and small and quick, boats allow you to access places that might otherwise be unreachable. Having the ability to leave the trailer hidden somewhere and go out on your own in a smaller, less visible, more efficient manner is highly appealing and would undoubtedly prove useful. Locks and chains –Locking and securing your belongings is essential.People will try to steal your equipment, given the chance, so invest in to keep your trailer closed up tight and your equipment secure.You can never do too much when it comes to theft prevention.

    Maps and atlases –It is a really good idea to store a and atlases to guide you on any journey you might take in your survival trailer. Store lots of maps of your local area, and of places you travel to often, but also keep maps of the rest of the US, roadmaps, and topos to help you navigate both the roads and the landscape.As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We\'re Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. To Get Your FREE Copy Of It. Where To Buy Your TrailerThis question is highly dependent on your budget.

    For some the best place to buy their trailer is going to be the local dealer, for others, it will be online or through a private vendor. Here are a few sites that we did some research on and that look like viable options for anyone wanting their own survival trailer.The Final WordThere are too many benefits to having a survival trailer to list in a single article. If it’s within your power to do so, I would highly encourage every survivalist out there to buy and stock up one of their very own.It is no small project and, as mentioned earlier, it isn’t necessarily cheap. But a survival trailer not only lends itself to a mobile shelter that you can drive and park anywhere, but it also doubles as a mobile.Survival trailers are like a gigantic that you can live in! They streamline any survival plan and offer space to bring family and friends in the event of a true bug out scenario.In a disaster, when you and everyone are preparing to flee, you want to be the very first one out of harm’s way because you owned a trailer, stocked full of gear, supplies, and equipment.With no packing to do, besides last-minute items, survival trailers enable you to escape with speed and clarity. If you are looking for your next survival project/investment, make it a survival trailer.It will put you miles ahead of the game Will BrendzaP.s.

    Do you know where the closest nuclear bunker is from your home?There are a lot of. And is near your home.above to find out where you need to take shelter. You all going to like this. Our BOV is a 1978 Suburban. The trailer it tows is the box off of a 1973 Chevy truck.

    The suspension is 1973 Oldsmobile Toronado. The air shocks are off of a 1979 Burb, and the tongue is from a U-Haul car hauler trailer.It sits as high as the SUV pulling it, (4 inch lift) and can carry 1500 gallons of fuel in 50 gallon drums, as long as your not in a hurry. The U-Haul electric brake works real good with the discs from the Olds front end.My friend built it, and willed it to me.We can sleep, eat, and be mary in there.

    Looking for DIY survival hacks, tips, recipes and projects? Keep readingA lot of people think DIYs are just for fun.

    When they hear “DIY,” they think of cute crafts and recipes. The fact is, DIYing is a truly lifesaving skill, and many DIY enthusiasts have other interests that include homesteading, survival and preparedness.DIY and self-reliance go hand-in-hand, so it’s no surprise that so many DIY-ers are survival and homesteading enthusiasts, as well. The Ultimate List of DIY Survival Hacks, Tips and RecipesIf you’re interested in living a more self-reliant lifestyle, you’re in luck. We’ve collected all of our favorite survival and homesteading tips, survival food recipes, food storage tips, paracord projects and more for the ultimate DIY survival guide. Read on to learn more.

    DIY Survival: FirestartingFirestarting is one of the most basic survival skills you can have. Knowing how to make a fire ensures that you’ll stay warm and be able to cook food in any survival situation.

    Sometimes, however, starting a fire is easier said than done. Here are some DIY survival hacks for starting a fire:These DIY firestarters and survival candles are easy to make and work great!Need a quick way to start a fire?

    Or maybe you don’t have a fire pit and you don’t want to leave a trace? This tutorial shows you how you can make a fire starter using recycled materials that you most likely already have laying around your house. It is also a great survival candle. Trust me, you’ll never go on another camping trip without one of these.Let’s get started!Supplies you need to build the fire starter:.

    Medium sized pot (for boiling water). Small metal pot (one that can easily sit inside the medium sized pot).

    Wax from old candles. Tin can (crab meat/chicken/tuna can). Cardboard. Scissors or a box cutterCheck out my favorite firestarter. This fire starter made of egg cartons and dryer lint will get a fire started in no time.This is a fun little project for a rainy or cold day, any day.

    You just need a paper egg carton, wax and dryer lint. It takes an hour from from start to finish to make them, and only about 10 minutes of your time. (Your wax will be cooling most of this time.) Making fire starters is pretty cool, and I needed some motivation to get my laundry done, anyway. Two birds, one stone.

    These light amazingly well. I never knew dryer lint would do that! Be sure to check out my burn test at the end of this post.

    Awesome stuff.Why would you want to make these fire starters?Recently, I was camping, and having trouble getting a fire started due to the humidity and rain. I was sure glad I had some of the egg carton fire starters in my bag.

    It was way better than matches or a pile of kindling. The wax and dryer lint combo really helps your fire stay going. I also did a burn test with just these fire starters. Keep reading to see how long they stay lit.These DIY fire starters are waterproof and work in any weather.Here are some really cool small waterproof fire starters we’ve made. These little guys are great survival additions to any kit you have. They can really come in handy if you are stuck in a pickle!Supplies to Make DIY Waterproof Fire Starters:.

    Soda straws. Pliers.

    Scissors. Lighter. Cotton ballsFREE: The is waterproof, easy to use and long-lasting. DIY Survival: Top Food RecipesJust like starting a fire, knowing how to make your own food is essential for any survivalist. It’s important to have survival food that is long-lasting, nutritious and tasty. Believe it or not, making food like this is easier than it sounds — and once you start feeding yourself and your family on healthy, nutritious survival food, you’ll never want to go back to processed food! Here are some of our favorite survival food recipes:Soldiers and sailors the world over have used hardtack as a way to stave off hunger.


    It was one of the main sources of food used when Christopher Columbus set sail and eventually landed in America.It is such a basic item that I am amazed no one I know under the age of 50 understands its importance, let alone how to make it.Hardtack is simple. It has three basic ingredients and takes roughly a 1/2 hour of cook time to prepare.This is one of the most cost effective long term survival foods that you can make.It just isn’t very carb friendlyYou can make hardtack almost identical to what sailors, troops and pioneers have been eating (minus the weevils!) b y following this simple recipe:.

    4-5 cups of flour. 2 cups of water.

    3 tsp. Of saltThese homemade survival bars are healthy and taste great.Want to Know How to Make Homemade Survival Bars? Over the past few months, I decided to try a few varieties, and this is my favorite so far.

    The texture is right, the flavor is right, especially is you are a fan of fruity cereal. These taste a lot like Crunch Berries! You can also try lemon and orange flavored Jello in these easy-to-make bars. I guess together, they taste like Trix or Fruity Pebbles. Something like that, anyway. I promised I would try these, and I had not one, but two for a snack before I could put them down.

    Going to admit something here – I am a bit of a food critic. If I say these are good, they are good. Otherwise, I am going to call them edible.

    These are actually good. They are not like bricks, and they are not dry and bland.Why would you want to make homemade survival bars, anyway?Easy-to-make, quick, and they taste great. Yes, they should have a very long shelf life. There is no oil or any ingredient that goes rancid or spoils quickly.

    They do not contain moisture, as you dry them in the oven, but they stay moist due to the Jello. Pretty cool, right?

    These homemade survival bars will stay intact without crumbling, pack well and are great for camping, hunting, hiking and to have on hand for emergency preparedness.Chocolate and chia seeds put a new spin on a traditional survival bar.I have now tried many packaged survival bars, and have made a fruit flavored recipe for homemade emergency food bars with a long shelf life. I thought to myself, surely there is a better way to make a homemade survival food bar. The fruit Jello bars are good but awfully sweet. They also do not have the nutritional value I knew you could pack into a bar. The solution? Chocolate and Chia seeds.If you do not know about chia seeds, keep reading. I included some nutritional info on chia, which is a pretty perfect survival food.

    Chia seeds stay good for years, and they retain their nutritional value as well as their flavor. They add a nice little crunch to this bar, and the chocolate combines nicely with them. I also added a scoop of protein powder to this recipe. Protein powder is one of my favorite things to add to baking mixes. It really adds value, and the flavor and texture are undetectable, at least to me.

    You can leave this ingredient out, if you choose.I decided to make these bars individually. Rolling and cutting them was a tedious chore, and the bars were likely to crumble if not cut through properly. These store more easily, and it is far easier to control the exact portion size and determine nutritional value when made in the manner I describe. These round bars are much easier to get into a dehydrator. Piece of cake.3. DIY Survival: Paracord ProjectsIf you’re familiar with DIY Projects at all, you probably already know that paracord is one of our favorite materials to work with. It’s durable, versatile and the possibilities of what you can make with it are virtually endless. Zoo empire čeština ke stažení.

    From keychains, to bracelets, to snare traps and more, check out our favorite paracord projects below. The cobra survival weave is one of the most popular paracord weaves.A is a versatile tool that comes in handy for a number of emergency situations. Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, paracord bracelets are a great tool to have on at all times. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Cobra Survival Bracelet. When made correctly, this Cobra weave will quickly deploy to about 10 feet of paracord!Supplies you need. Paracord bracelets are versatile and useful in all sorts of survival situations.Ever wonder how to make paracord bracelets?

    Here is a list of different paracord bracelet projects for you to make at home. All you need are a few simple supplies, and you will be making paracord bracelets for your friends and family. Not to mention your personal outdoor use. There are many different weaves, patterns and knots you can try when braiding the bracelets.Check out our step-by-step tutorials and have fun!A paracord is a great tool for any to have around. Having several paracord bracelets around is even better.The key to working with paracord is knowing a variety of knots.Sometimes knowing the right knot could save your life. Case in point – you need to escape a POW camp and have a pile of bedsheets in your room (It’s a five star POW camp). What knot would you use to tie the bedsheets together so that you can still take the bedsheets with you to keep you warm during your trek through Siberia?

    By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly which knot to use.Hint: It’s the Kamikaze Knot.Hint Hint: You should NEVER, EVER USE IT! There’s a reason they call it that.Here are four totally awesome knots that you can make with your paracord which every survivalist should know.Survival bracelets are one of the many things you can make with 550 cord.We love 550 paracord projects, and there are so many to choose from these days. Survival bracelets, paracord belts, watches, monkey fists, lanyards, gear wraps and 100’s of other creative and cool ideas. Super durable and strong, paracord is also stylish and can be found in all colors of the rainbow, plus some super cool camo options!

    We chose some of our favorite projects to share with you, and we hope you enjoy these step-by-step tutorials as much as we do.You can even make a dog collar with paracord.This paracord dog collar is your best bet if you are looking for a stylish collar that is also super strong and durable.If you’ve been following our paracord projects, then you know the Cobra weave is one of the more popular weaves. For this paracord dog collar, we are going to take it one step further and do a King Cobra weave! This weave is super strong and even adds a thickness and padding to the original cobra weave, making the collar more comfortable for pooches of all sizes.The tutorial below is done for a large dog, so our collar ends up being a whopping 20″!

    If your pup is smaller, you can follow this simple rule to calculate the amount of paracord you’ll need: 1.5 feet of paracord for every 1 inch of your paracord dog collar.These instructions and tutorial will show you how to use paracord and sticks to create a basic snare that will increase your probability of catching something in the wild. Let’s get started on this cool paracord project that is one of our favorite DIY survival hacks!Supplies you need to build a paracord snare trap:. Pair of gloves. Sticks. Paracord. Ax. KnifeThis paracord keychain is a great tool for any survivalist.Supplies you need:.

    3 5ft strands of paracord – (Try it with three different colors!). Lighter or matches. Pencil. KeyringStep 1: Starting the Paracord Keychain.

    Take your first two strands of paracord and intersect them at the centers to form a cross.(The bottom one should be horizontal, the top one vertical.)Under 2 oz., quick and simple conversion, and FREE.A paracord monkey fist is a handy survival weapon.A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker.In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist using a pool ball! This giant monkey fist weighs in at a hefty 6 ounces!This quick deploy paracord bracelet is a survival must have.When you are in a survival situation, every second counts. This blaze bar bracelet is designed to quickly deploy.

    How quick you ask? Under 20 seconds!Follow this tutorial to make your very own blaze bar, quick deploy bracelet and be at ease knowing you’re a little more ready for an emergency situation.A more compact version of the paracord monkey fist.A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker.In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist knot keychain.Supplies you need:. 1″ steel ball bearing. 6ft 550 paracord in a color that you want to be the main color. 4ft 550 Paracord in a color that you want to be the compliment color. 1″ Monkey Fist Jig.

    key ring. scissors. lighter or matchesOat spike is another popular weave for paracord survival bracelets.is a versatile tool that can come in handy for a number of emergency situations.

    Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, knowing how to tie a paracord bracelet is a great skill. Knowing how to tie several is even better- try making our and our. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Oat Spike Survival Bracelet.This paracord belt is as fashionable as it is useful.These paracord belt instructions show you how to make a DIY paracord rescue belt, my favorite of all the belts I tried. Paracord bracelets can come in handy but only have 8-12 feet of rope, while a paracord belt can have up to 50 feet or more of 550 paracord. In extreme survival situations, 50 feet of rope would be a lot more use for you than 8-12 feet. However, this paracord belt gives you at least 50 feet of paracord rope that is quickly accessible, and depending on your waist size, up to 100 ft of 550 cord.This belt is a quick deploy survival rescue belt that uses Slatt’s rescue weave.

    You can unravel, or deploy, the paracord in a matter of seconds.This solid gear grip made out of paracord will help you keep a firm grip on your tools.Are your tools and weapons always slipping out of your sweaty palms? Are you tired of drawing your war hammer, only to watch it go flying and land at your enemy’s feet? Are these follies the result of you not keeping up with your hand grip routine like you said you would?

    No stupid, it’s because you didn’t go to DIY Projects and learn how to make a Badass Paracord Solid Gear Wrap.Enhance your favorite survival knife with this paracord knife grip.Looking for cool new paracord projects to try out for your gear? Paracord can be used in really cool ways to update and enhance your survival gear and weapons.Tired of boring old knife grips? Give your blades and gear handles a makeover with this cool 550 paracord project. All you’ll need is some paracord and a half hour. No experience necessary – this tutorial is perfect for beginners!4. DIY Survival: HomesteadingHomesteading is the art of self-reliance. True homesteaders live off the land and off the grid, finding creative uses for everyday items and making sure they are using every resource to its full potential.

    When done right, homesteading can be rewarding in a number of ways. Here are some homesteading survival tips from our site and from our sister site,.These homesteading tips are sure to make you more self-sufficient.The key to a successful homestead does not only lie on being able to grow your own food but on other skills as well. Here is our list of homesteading skills that will surely help you be successful in your urban homesteading journey.Keep in mind that learning these skills will take time, patience and perseverance, and not all of these skills are applicable to certain situations. Hopefully, though, you’ll be able to pick up some great ideas that will inspire you and get you started!Homesteading takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

    Living a self reliant and sustainable lifestyle is difficult but hugely rewarding for those with the motivation and know-how.Homesteading may be hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Try out these cool projects for your homestead and survival preps for some productive fun!There are many survival and homesteading uses for baking powder and baking soda.Let’s face itwe live in a world full of commodities. So many that we’ve grown very accustomed to a certain lifestyle and it’s difficult when that gets thrown out of whack – especially when you live off the grid. Homesteading brings life back to the basics a bit, but it’s a learning process to say the least. You learn to get clever with what you have, and sometimes when you learn a new trick you find out later that it’s actually quite an old trick.

    So why am I telling you all of this? I wanted to share with you all a couple of tricks I’ve learned throughout my homesteading years through my experiences I’ve had while living off the grid. And so, without further ado, here are some off the grid hacks that are useful no matter where you live on or off the grid.Survival gardening is one of the most basic homesteading skills.Interested in homesteading, self-reliance and debt-free living? Learn how to start your own homestead and overcome the struggles of everyday survival. We’ve come up with 11 helpful tips for the average ‘Joe’ who is about to embark on the bumpy ride to self-reliance and modern-day homesteading. DIY Survival: WeaponsMost people, if they have weapons at all, rely only on what is available to purchase. They don’t realize that making your own weapons is entirely possible, and often very practical.

    More importantly, it’s a skill that can save your life if you find yourself in the wild without a weapon to hunt or defend yourself with. Here are some of our favorite homemade weapons tutorials from our site and from our friends at.Make a bow just like this one out of PVC fiber glass.Have you been wanting to make a bow for practicing in the yard? Ideally something cheap to bond with the kids over, or maybe to be ready when you need to survive a real world situation? For many survivalists, when they think of a “Survival Bow,” they think of honing some hearty tree sapling in the woods. BUT.The world is changing! There are many supplies available to use that might be more readily available to you, including scraps of PVC.Make a strong and sturdy knife sheath out of duct tape.This unique project is not your average duct tape construction. I decided to use something other than duct tape to create the seams, giving it a much more finished, unique look.

    I really wanted to find a way to sew my duct tape patterns together. I found that machine sewing does not work very well, because the needle tends to get gummy.

    However, sewing with a thicker material through duct tape that has been punched works great. I love the look of leather, and have enjoyed making a few custom pieces out of it. However, leather is expensive and also not ideal if you know your project is likely to be exposed to moisture. Duct tape is inexpensive, durable, waterproof & lightweight, perfect for creating custom items for holding all sorts of things.It’s essential to know how to make your own weapons when bugging out.If you ever do find yourself in a survival situation, we all hope that we would be prepared with the appropriate tools and supplies.

    However, we can’t plan for everything so if you find yourself stranded and need to make your own makeshift tools, a knife will be one of the first things you should make. A survival knife is handy for cooking, creating shelter, hunting and self-defense when necessary. Even if you are the most self-sufficient, emergency prepared person you should learn to make this essential survival tool using this easy tutorial.A homemade spoon knife from an old car spring.Hopefully you will never find yourself in a survival situation, but if you do you should always be prepared and use what you have on hand to create the survival tools you’ll need. One of the best tools to have for emergency preparedness is a survival knife.

    If you forget your knife, lose it or it breaks, don’t panic yet! We have compiled a list of the best knife making tutorials so you can remain prepared and make your own knife. The best part is, all the knife making supplies are materials you can easily source in a survival situation. Whether you’re living in a survival scenario or just want to learn a new hobby, knife making is a useful skill to learn. Here are our top 5 picks for best knife making tutorials.A cross bow made from simple office supplies.So you have real crossbow-making tutorials and then you have what we like to call “non-lethal but still gleefully fun and potentially revenge-worthy” crossbow-making projects.

    This lies in the latter, and comes up when you find yourself stuck in the office and dreaming of the weekend.Or maybe you’re just looking to put an end to that in-office feud, once and for all. Or maybe you’re looking for a way to tell that cute guy/girl in the next cubicle that you like him/her, and since you never really learned to show your emotions you choose instead to chuck things at them.This simple and easy crossbow is made from everyday office supplies used around the world! Shoot pens, food from the lunch room fridge or whatever else you can think of. Happy hunting.6.

    DIY Survival Hack: Food StorageOne of the biggest challenges of being a prepper is food storage. This is especially true for those of us who live in small or rented homes and have limited space to store food items long-term. Here are a couple of DIY survival hacks for food storage.Vacuum sealing food will save you tons of room in your food storage space.Did you know that when you vacuum seal food, it stays fresh 5 times longer than other conventional storage methods? Because vacuum sealing removes the air from the container (reducing oxidation), foods such as beef, poultry, fish and even vegetables can have an extended freezer life– up to 3 years!I’ve laid out a quick explanation of how to go about using your vacuum sealer to safely and quickly store your food.Let’s get started!Unfortunately, many people waste both their time and money on avoidable mistakes in their emergency food storage.

    And nothing will frustrate you quicker than finding that your hard work has gone to waste due to some stupid, preventable error. You need to be properly storing the right food, and have the ability to prepare the food you have.

    You will need access to the correct ingredients and equipment to prepare you meals, which takes quite a bit of planning. For this reason, we highly encourage you to read up on the following smart food storage strategy and tips.

    Follow these instructions and avoid emergency food storage fails.7. Other DIY Survival Hacks and TipsHere are some other great DIY survival hacks and tutorials. Be prepared for a blizzard with these survival tips.When the next winter storm hits, be prepared with these blizzard survival tips. You don’t have to be the ultimate prepper to survive a blizzard, but everyone should have a working knowledge of cold weather know how. Watch for whiteout’s and always stay indoors and avoid driving during these types of storms.Have some extra time and looking for some cool projects?

    Need a preparedness project you can do this weekend, or even several? Hoping to learn a new skill in the process?Look no further. I’ve spent a lot of time lately researching cool projects, and I want to share with you these 36 great weekend preparedness projects I found. It was hard to decide, though.

    I found a ton of good ones. I may have to do a series like this.Some are projects on the site, some on other sites I like. Preppers, survivalists, and anyone who wants to be a little more prepared at the end of the day can get a lot from making these. All of these projects are low budget, many practically free.

    Most will not take more than a couple of hours, and some are faster than that.Garlic is one of the nature’s most powerful natural medicines.Medicinal herbs are among the most useful items for preppers. First aid and health care are among the most essential needs for human survival. But what if you couldn’t run to the store for your supplies any longer? I rely pretty heavily on my medicine cabinet to help me deal with everyday aches, pains, and everything in between. From allergies to sprained ankles, I often find myself popping the top of a pill bottle for relief.

    What I failed to realize until recently is that I’m failing to use of the of best resources available to me – Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. Find out what medicinal herbs are the most useful and effective, and why you should keep them all in your bug out bag.Make a pocket-sized survival kit using a pill bottle.Here we have an incredibly simple survival kit that you can make at home that covers the essentials of survival and and could very well save your life if you are ever stranded out in the wilderness with nothing but this kit and the clothes on your back.Most everything in this kit can be found in your very own house. Here are all the instructions for putting it together.Go off the grid by collecting rainwater for later use.Rainwater collection is a great way to reduce your water usage. Did you know the average person wastes about 30 gallons of water per day? Just imagine if you could save at least a third of your water usage.

    Well, you can! A rainwater collection system is a really great way to recycle water during those hot summer months when water conservation is at its most necessary!Looking for some cool DIY survival hacks for weekend projects for preparedness? You loved our weekend preparedness projects for preppers so much the first time, we thought we’d give you even more!Only this time, we’ve only included even better and more useful survival gear and projects for you preppers-in-training to work on.

    With our friends over at, we’ve created a list of the best disaster preparedness projects for you and your family to work on in your down time.We hope you’ve enjoyed our compilation of DIY survival and preparedness tips. Do you have any tips of your own? Share them in the comments below!

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