
One knight, known as the Sacrifice, is chosen each generation to journey to the heart of the Dark Citadel and battle the Deathless God King. None ever survives. But in sacrificing a young man each generation to be cut down by the Infinity Blade, the simple farmers of the Citadel’s neighboring villages are spared the God King’s wrath.And so it goes, for generation after generation, until Siris, another member of the sacrificial bloodline, manages to slay the God King and claim the Infinity Blade as his own.After killing the God King, Siris finds the Infinity Blade to be more than a sword. It’s a key as well, one that opens a secret passage to a dungeon in the Dark Citadel. After fighting three immortal Deathless imprisoned in the dungeon, Siris unlocks another hidden room. This one filled with inanimate God King bodies floating inside tanks.Ultimately, Siris is lead into battle against a mechanized warrior, Zero, whom he defeats.

But with his dying breath, Zero warns Siris that someone will come looking for the Infinity Blade. Having defeated the God King, Siris returns to his home.

But the elders of Drem’s Maw ask him to leave, fearing that other Deathless will come seeking either the Blade or revenge. Hoping to find answers about the Deathless and what they may want, Siris returns to the Dark Citadel at Lantimore, only to learn that the God King may not actually be dead.At the Citadel, he encounters an assassin named Isa. At first adversaries, Isa eventually offers to help Siris on his quest to find the location of the Worker of Secrets, who created the Infinity Blade. Not knowing where the Worker is imprisoned, the two travel to another Deathless, Saydhi, who has an outstanding offer to answer any request for a warrior capable of defeating her minions.Siris does just that and, true to her word, Saydhi reveals the location of the Worker of Secrets.

Saydhi then attacks Siris, forcing him to kill her. Believing he has found another lock for the Infinity Blade to act as key, Siris places the Infinity Blade into a stone pillar. But it’s a trap.

The God King reveals himself, takes the Blade, and is about to kill Siris. Isa beats the God King to it, firing a crossbow bolt that kills Siris.Siris awakens in a rebirth chamber and realizes the truth – that he is in fact a Deathless. He remembers now that he was known long ago as Ausar. The generational Sacrifice of his village has always been Ausar, reborn again and again.

His deaths have slowly been powering up the Infinity Blade until it reached a point where it could permanently kill any Deathless it struck. The death of Saydhi was the final charge the Blade needed to reach its full potency. Had the God King used the Infinity Blade to slay Siris, he would have been permanently dead. Since Isa killed him, Siris was able to be resurrected once more. The God King-slayer, Siris, having learned that he is in fact a Deathless who used to be known as Ausar, embarks on a quest to find the Worker of Secrets. The Worker created the Infinity Blade as a weapon that could kill the Deathless and Siris wants to fully understand how the Blade works and its true purpose.


Siris’ partner, Isa, is shaken by the realization that the man she followed on a quest to rid the world of Deathless is himself immortal, and leaves to forge her own destiny.Siris heads to Saranthia to find the Vault of Tears, where the Worker of Secrets is imprisoned. There he meets Thane, High Lord of the House Ix. Upon defeating Thane, Siris unlocks a seal, but dies in the process. Fortunately, a mechanical helper named Tel revives Siris in a Phoenix Chamber.Again and again, Siris returns to Saranthia. He defeats three Blood Sentinels, each of whom guards a seal that unlocks the way to the Worker of Secrets. Siris sacrifices himself each time he unlocks a seal, but is always reborn.With the Vault finally unsealed, Siris meets the Worker of Secrets, only to learn that another Deathless must take the Worker’s place if he’s to be freed. Siris hunts down and captures the God King, whose real name is Raidriar.Bringing Raidriar to the Vault of Tears, Siris is ready to finally learn the mystery of the Infinity Blade, but the Worker has other ideas.

He betrays Siris and locks him in the Vault of Tears with Raidriar. It’s revealed the Ausar was the one who originally imprisoned the Worker, who now has his revenge.With the God King and Siris imprisoned together and the Worker free, Isa arrives at Vault of Tears. Presumably she’s there to free Siris. Long months have passed since Siris and the God King, enemies betrayed, together, were left to rot in the prison at the Vault of Tears. Their true enemy—the Worker of Secrets, creator of the Infinity Blade itself—now reigns.Upon finally obtaining freedom, Siris must unravel plots that seem to make no sense, lead a rebellion with no direction, and fight against the division within his very heart.

The secrets unraveled will dig backward in time toward the origins of the Deathless and the true nature of the world itself. Infinity Blade is an award-winning video game series created by ChAIR, a division of Epic Games. Originally introduced in 2010, Infinity blade was the first mobile game powered by Epic's Unreal Engine technology and is credited with forever raising the bar of mobile gaming.Infinity Blade's action, sword-fighting game play is bolstered by gorgeous visuals, adrenaline-fueled battles, and advanced character progression in fully 3D castle realms and landscape.A prototype of the original game was revealed by legendary Apple CEO Steve Jobs during the Apple Fall Special Event in September 2010. Following the live demo, Jobs remarked 'That's on a phone! That's pretty remarkable.' Infinity Blade was released with critical acclaim just three months later, winning numerous Editors Choice and Game of the Year awards, as well as the 'Excellence in Design' Award at the 2011 International Mobile Game Awards.The series continued its ground-breaking success with the addition of Infinity Blade II in 2011 and Infinity Blade III, which completed the trilogy in 2013.

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Although Infinity Blade III tells a sophisticated linear story (Chair estimates the game contains nearly 45 minutes of cutscenes), players will have more freedom than ever in how they tackle the. From the award-winning Epic studio, ChAIR Entertainment, the ground-breaking Infinity Blade games have brought handheld gaming to new heights with gorgeous visuals, adrenaline-fueled sword fighting battles, and advanced character progression and customization in an expansive 3D world.

The Infinity Blade games remain one of the most popular to be introduced exclusively on the App Store.In addition to the blockbuster mobile games, the Infinity Blade universe continues to expand with novels written by bestselling fantasy author Brandon Sanderson, original soundtracks, an arcade machine version of the game, collectibles, and various merchandise products. Siris was trained from birth to be a noble, skilled duelist, in order to fight the God-King for his people’s freedom.

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He has since learned that he is really a Deathless himself, a tyrant once known as Ausar the Vile, who lost his memory and was reborn as a baby. His quest to end the Deathless tyranny has gone from being a mission to being a personal crusade.

He continues to wrestle with the faded memory of who he once was – the most reviled of the hated Deathless, cruel and unworthy of immortality – and the man Isa hopes he can become – compassionate and selfless. A roguish thief, Isa met Siris when she tried to steal the Infinity Blade from him. She is worldly, confident, but vulnerable and afraid to trust others. She was just getting used to the idea that Siris was Deathless, when she became one herself, and is having to reconcile her hatred for the immortals with the fact she is now one of them. She fights with the resistance, but more often than not completes missions on her own. She is more stealthy than Siris and approaches her missions by staying hidden and fighting only when she has to.

The mythical creator of the Infinity Blade, the Worker was imprisoned by Ausar in the Vault of Tears for thousands of years before he tricked Siris into freeing him. Now that he has been released, and possesses the fully powered Infinity Blade, he has re-conquered the Deathless and is plotting another decimation of humankind to assure his domination of the world. Fully post-human, truly immortal, he has little use for anything resembling compassion or honor, and his only real concern is prolonging his immortality. © 2012-18 Epic Games, Inc., Epic, Epic Games, Unreal, Unreal Engine, and Infinity Blade and its related logos are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. In the USA (Reg. Off.) and elsewhere. Infinity Blade II, Infinity Blade III, Infinity Blade: Awakening, Infinity Blade: Redemption, the Epic Games logo, the Unreal Engine logo, and UE4 and its logo are trademarks of Epic Games, Inc.

ChAIR (stylized) is a registered trademark (Reg. Off.) in the United States and elsewhere of Chair Entertainment Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Infinity Blade 3 update 1.4 brings with it the almighty King of Dragons, Dragoor, and his loot. Here you’ll find information on how to find him and what treasures she gives you.First, find the location near the bottom of the map, called Nafusaan Mountains, “Interlude — The Dragoor.” I had all locations unlocked when I saw it. While in there, make sure to get the treasure from the Scorched Map.

If you miss it, though, you can get it after you kill Dragoor. Just make sure not to complete Act 5 before you do, because the map may disappear for good! When you finally get to the Dragoor, she’ll just watch you. Choose a treasure and she’ll attack. You can’t fight back just now. Instead, you’ll wake up in the hideout.Now you can meet Dragoor anywhere on the map that you met the other dragons. I recommend roaming around the areas you know you can meet her, like Larioth.

You may need to complete an explore mission to get her to show again, but I recommend keeping all locations open and NOT completing Act 5 until you’ve collected all the Dragoor loot and the treasure from the Scorched Map. If you complete Act 5, the Ice and Fire location may disappear permanently! The dragon drops the Dragoor Bone:Then you can get open all the chests to get the Dragoor Bane, Dragoor Plate, Lunith Crown and Lunith Plate.Now you have access to the Interlude – Ice and Fire and can get the treasure from the Scorched Map if you missed it before. It’s a Rare Gold Gem that gives 1000 Gold per hit.When you do get to fight the Dragoor, relish it because you won’t get to do it more than once. П™x81Also, if you complete Act 5, you will likely lose the Ice and Fire map.For info on the other treasure maps, including the Origin (Worker’s armor),.For info about the Collector and his new weapons, visit the.

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