
Patch WorkGeneral InfoFactionCorporationDifficultyEasyTypeShipN/AVolume in m³28739Spawn Chance15% in P.L. RikerTop Speed in m/s14.0Additional InformationArmamentSingle HE-Frag mortarThree thumper-headed dumbmfire harpoon ambhibiousBroadside of andTwo spinal HE-Frag 1100mmArmourMostly, little that is primarily decorativeCost18,957“A pieced together ship that has shown to hold together well during times of crisis for the„ In-game descriptionPerformance Due to the characteristics of Mortars, being highly dependent on accuracy for any chance at hitting. With the low fire rate and low damage output of the mortar, that is the part that those wishing to destroy the Patch Work should worry least about. The broadside are very low-velocity and are relatively simple to dodge. Creative destruction apk.

Given the armament of the Patch Work, being mostly made for anti-ship, it would be easiest to take it down with a flier.Trivia Links.

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